Chapter Twenty-One

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*Jamie's P.O.V*

It's been a little awkward since I kissed Louis meaningfully. We don't really know how to act around each other; I've pretty inexperienced with this kinda stuff.

I continue scrolling on Tumblr, I swear I have no life.

The door opens, Louis stands in the doorway. 

"Hey, the doctor just called, you have an apointment today." He tells me. I roll my eyes, I forgot about those stupid things.


"Three, we should leave in around half an hour." He informs. I groan. I have to shower?! Ugh, I don't like people.

Louis leaves my room and I hit the showers. I get dressed into sweatpants and a t-shirt, it's just a Doctors apoinment.

I wait in the living room until we're ready to go. I join Niall on the couch.

"How's it going?" Niall asks.

"Not well." I retort as I cross my arms.

"How come?"

"Doctors appointment." I mumble.

"Oh." He quietly mutters. "Well, if you're well enough, you'll be able to go back to New York!" He exclaims. 

I widen my eyes in realization. I forgot about New York, Louis' apartment has become like a home to me. Is he still going to remember me? Will we be able to talk to each other?

"Are you alright?" An Irish voice breaks through my thoughts.

"Y-yeah, just dandy." I nonchalantly respond.

Louis enters the room with a leather jacket on. "Ready to go?" he asks. I nod and stand up from the couch.

"Good luck." Niall tells me. I smile at him as the flashbacks of soccer come back.


"Good luck!" Collin tells me as I tie on my cleat.

I smile at him and he gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'll be out there on the stands, cheering you on." He tells me. I smile and give him a small peck on the cheek. I exit the car and head to my team for warm-ups.

We jog around the field, do our stretches in sync and gossip about the other team until the refs call captains.

Abby and I jog up to the ref along with the other team's captains. One of the girl's sends me a dirty look.

"Miss?" The ref asks.

"Oh, sorry, heads." I tell him. "We want that side of the field." 

An ambulance alarm fills our hearing, it careens down the road. I ignore it and jog back to my team. We set up the line-up and we take our places.

I search the crowd for that familiar face I love. My eyes scan the side-lines but Collin is nowhere in sight. 

The whistle blows and I jump at the sudden sound. I roll my foot over the ball and approach the defenders. I cruise around them and pass the ball to Alex; the defender taps it but Abby gets it back. Abby comes charging through and finishes it, the net snaps and the team errupts in cheers.

We got ahead 4-1, coach decides to let the subs in. As I'm on the bench I reach for my bag. I unzip the top pocket and pull out my phone. 

One unread message from: Collin <3

"I'll be there i"

I ponder over the message, what's that supposed to mean? I'll be there i? I'll be there I promise? I'l be there in five? I send him a text back.


My phone rings and I click the answer button.

"Miss Morgan?" The man on the other line asks.

"This is she." I respond.

"I'm very sorry, I'm calling to inform you that your friend, Collin Thomas has been killed in a car accident."

I stay silent. My phone slips out of my hand. My heart race increases and the tears burn. 

"Jamie? Are you alright?" My teammate asks. I stand up and walk to a soccer ball. I clench my fist and my breathing becomes heavy. I scream and kick the soccer ball. I fall on my knees and pound the ground.

He's never coming back.

--End of Flashback--

The car stops at the hospital. I lift my hand to the handle.

"Wait." Louis speaks. I bring my attention to him. "Are you okay? You didn't say a word the whole way." He tells me.

"Sorry, just a little nervous, I guess." I shyly respond.

"Hey," He whispers as he grabs my hand, "You have nothing to worry about, you'll be fine, I'll always be there for you." He tells me.

"I'll always be there for you..."

A/N Hey all! Sorry for the slow update, I had Nationals over the weekend. My team placed 2nd in Girl's! Whoop whoop! I hope you like this chapter, VOTE/COMMENT/SHARE! ~Hannah

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