Chapter Three

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*Jamie's P.O.V*

A startling knock ripped me from my sleep. I groaned and turned the other direction. I threw the blanket above my head and tried to go back to sleep. The knocks kept coming, louder and faster. I groaned and tossed the blanket over. I got up and stumbled to the door. I opened it to find my coach. "Rise and shine! Practice at 2, be there." He stated. I managed a small smile just to be polite. I closed the door and stumbled back to my bed. "And no sleeping in!!" I heard him call. I groaned and got up. I looked at the clock. 

9:30am? Dang, I slept in, practice must've been tough last night.

I grabbed my athletic shorts and an old jersey from high school. I stepped in my bathroom and turned on the faucet. I turned it to warm but it wasn't heating up. I groaned and decided to just take a cold shower.

My shivering hand grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my body. I dried myself off and got dressed. I went back to my room and grabbed a sweatshirt and pulled it over my head bringing warmth to my body. I grabbed my towel and started to dry my hair.  I combed my hair and grabbed my key, I walked out the door and walked down the halls.

I passed Louis' room and heard faint singing, I stopped and looked around, the halls were empty so I put my ear to the door. 

"Hands are silent, voices numb.
Try to scream out my lungs.

It makes this harder.

And the tears stream, down my face."

Wow...He's pretty good.

He started singing again, this time a different song.

"Somethings gotta give now,
'Cause I'm dying just to know your name,

And I need you here with me now.
Cause you got, that, one thing."

I heard the faucet stop and I started walking down the halls again. If he's such a good singer why did he sign up for this? Does he even play soccer?

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Ah! Jamie! Now we wait for Louis." Coach exclaimed. I didn't like the idea of me being the second to last one done, I'm usually the first; but then again, I did 'sleep in'.

I took a seat by Nick, he smiled and offered me some bacon which I gladly took. Louis finally came. He was wearing dark blue skinny jeans with a white shirt. Really dude? Skinny jeans?

"Alright, now that you're all here I have an important announcement." Our coach told us. "A player will be showing up here to get to know us." He added. "Who?" Hope asked. "I don't know, they didn't say." Our Coach responded. "Anyway, I want you all on your best behaviour, no trash talking." He demanded. "Got it?" He asked. "Yes, sir." We all mumbled in unison. "Great, now eat a good breakfast, we're also going to be practicing with them for a while." He told us. "So like a scrimmage?" I asked him. He nodded "Yes, it will be twenty minutes, half time, and then another twenty minutes. Easy as pie." He told us.

I nodded and got up to get me some breakfast. I grabbed the spatula and plopped two sunny-side-up eggs on my plate, I grabbed some bacon, a banana and a glass of orange juice. I went back to the table and sat back down. I grabbed my fork and started shoving the food in my mouth, I was hungry and I need food for energy, especially today.

I took a sip of my orange juice and looked around, everyone else was eating; except Louis. Louis had his eyes fixed on me. I furrowed my eyebrows and sent him a look. I continued eating until I heard the door open. I looked back and almost choked at the sight of who stood there.

Josh Hutcherson.

I coughed and swallowed my food. I combed my hair with my hand and straightened my clothes. I faced hope "Do I look okay?" I asked her. She chuckled "Just fabulous." She responded. I rubbed my teeth with my tongue, it would be awkward if I had food there. 

"Hey guys!" Josh exclaimed as he walked closer. He sat down at the available seat next to me. "Hi, I'm Jamie-" I started "I know who you are, I watch you play." He told me, he sent me a wink. I looked over at Nick and he sent me a thumbs up. I giggled and brought my attention back to Josh. "How have you guys been?" He asked all of us. "Good." We all mumbled. "Tired from practice?" He asked, "Yeah, kinda." Voices from everywhere responded. Josh let out a small laugh "That's good."

He looked at the ground and then looked back at me. I took this time to admire his perfectly molded face and his gorgeous eyes. "Josh and Jamie sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-" Nick started singing "Ow! Louis!" He exclaimed. I laughed and Josh's cheeks tinted pink. I poked his cheek and he sent me a fantasizing half-smile. 

"So..You guys ready to play?" Josh asked us while breaking the awkward silence. We all chorused a simple 'Yeah!'. 

"We're going to kick your guys's butts." I told Josh with a smirk. He pretended to look offended "Oh it's on, Morgan!" He exclaimed. He grabbed my phone that was on the table and ran. "Josh!!" I exclaimed as I started to chase him. He opened the camera and started taking selfies while running. I, being the offensive player I am, quickly caught up to him. I got hold of his wrist and pulled him to the ground. I sat on top of him and grabbed my phone. I got up and walked away with a smirk on my face.

I walked back to the table and Nick gave me a high-five. "One player down, fourteen more to go." I teased. Hope, Nick and Chris laughed; I honestly don't know where the other players went. Louis walked to the table the same time Josh did, Louis was in soccer attire this time. Louis sent Josh a glare and Josh just sent him a confused look.

There was an awkward silence between the table, we all just glanced at each other; except Louis and Josh, Josh was staring and Louis and Louis sent him a 'death-glare', ooh, so scary. I rolled my eyes at Louis, so cocky, I hate those people.

Josh snapped his fingers bringing our attention to him. "You're that guy from that band!" He exclaimed as he pointed to Louis. Louis scoffed "Yeah, I am." He replied. "Keep up with the 21st century, come on." He told Josh. "Hipsta puh-lease." I said as I stood up. I looked at Louis and slapped my hands hard on the table by his seat. "Look who's talking, you dress like you're straight out of the 90's." I told him. "Oh snap." Nick stated. I sat back down in my seat and sent Josh a comforting look.

"So..." Hope mumbled, breaking the awkward silence. "Do you play much soccer, Josh?" She asked. "Of course not, he's a pretty boy actor." Louis answered. I widened my eyes at his statement. "Tomlinson, you better back off or I'll-" Josh cut me off by motioning me to stay in my seat. He grabbed my  hand which grabbed my attention. "It's okay." He mouthed to me. He brought his attention back to Hope "Actually, I do play soccer." He answered with a smile. "I was offered a college scholarship for soccer." He spoke as he looked at Louis.  "But because of acting I had to decline." He added. I chuckled "You probably get paid more, too." I told him. He chuckled and nodded "Yes, yes, definitely."

"You want to know about having a lot of money?!" Louis loudly asked us. "Uhm, hello!" he spoke "Millionaire boy-band member right here!" He clarified. I rolled my eyes "Yes, Louis, we know, you've told us a million times!!" I told him. "Well that's because it's worth being told." He defended. I scoffed "Yeah, right, soccer players listen to boy-bands, duh." I sarcastically responded. "And besides," I started as I stood up and got closer to Louis' spot "If you're so good, why don't you get most of the solos?" I asked him. I got closer "If you're so good, how come 15% of fans wouldn't care if you weren't in the band?" I asked him again. I got even closer "If you're so, incredibly good why aren't you a solo artist?!" I asked him. Louis didn't respond. "That's what I thought." I told him as I sat back down.

"Alright guys! Time for scrimmage!" Our coach announced. "I gotta go, I'll see you in a bit!" Josh told me as he stood up. "Yep." I responded. He rushed out the door to go to the rest of his team. 

I crossed my arms and turned around. I walked up to Louis. "Who do you think you are?!" I asked him. He looked at me like he had no idea what I was talking about. "Insulting Hutcherson?!" I questioned "Are you really that low?!" I stepped closer to him and unfolded my arms. He shrugged "Are you?" He asked. "What the dilly are you talking about?!" I asked him as I stepped closer, he backed away this time. "Insulting someone like me." He responded. "You?! You?!" I responded. "Yes, me, one fifth of the most famous boy-band in the world." He proudly remarked. I scoffed "Yeah, you're so great." I responded. "Go win for us." I told him, I pushed him into the wall and walked away. 

I headed to my room to get my shin-guards and socks. I unlocked my door and walked in. I grabbed my stinky shin-guards and clean socks from my dresser and put them on. I slipped my cleats on and tied them so they were nice and snug. I stood up and rushed down the stairs. I went to the main room and went out the door. The cold air engulfed me, even with a sweatshirt on it was still pretty chilly. Clouds filled the sky, there was barely an inch of sunshine. I continued walking until I reached the field. Hope, Messi and Chris were already there. I started stretching with them. 

Louis and Nick soon arrived, they started stretching with us. Messi switched the position and all of us mimicked. Josh walked over to us. "Alright guys, ready to play?" He asked. "No warm-ups?" I asked. "Oh, this is the warm up." He responded. I widened my eyes but pretended I wasn't shocked by the foreign training. "Cool." I smoothly responded.

We got in our positions. I was left mid and Chris was left. Nick, Louis and Messi took forward and we had four defenders in the back, Hope taking goal. The game started and Josh passed the ball towards me. I rushed up to the person with the ball and put pressure on them. I shifted back and forth and led them to the outside. I flicked my foot towards the ball and put it in my grasp. I sprinted up the field with the ball and my opponents started covering me.

"Cross!" I heard someone yell. I ignored their plea and cruised past the defenders.

"Cross!" They yelled again. I ignored them and took the shot, someone interrupted it which sent it out of the playing area. 

"Louis, corner-kick!" The coach demanded. Louis started heading to the corner.

"Nice teamwork." He retorted as he rushed past me.  I sighed and rubbed my face. I thought I had it, it was a clear shot...

Louis kicked the ball from the corner, the Josh stopped the pass and cruised down the field. I started sprinting towards him. 

Without a single warning my legs gave in and I collapsed to the ground. I groaned and grasped my chest, there was a sharp pain near my heart. I groaned in pain, I've never felt this way before, well I have but I just shrugged it off. Darkness surrounded me as I shut my eyes.

"Oh stop flopping, Morgan!" I heard someone yell. I groaned in frustration "It's not a freakin' flop!" I shouted back. I opened my eyes. and everyone surrounded me, except Louis, I think...

"I'm fine!" I protested. I slowly got on my feet and fell once again. My breaths got heavier as I rested on the grass. I coughed and slowly got up, Hope and Josh helping me. I started walking and almost fell again but Josh caught me. I coughed again and tears started forming in my eyes. I wrapped my arm around Josh's back and he wrapped his arm around mine. He comforted me as we slowly walked. He bent over and put his arm right above my soccer socks, he picked me up Bridal-Style and walked towards the bench. I continued coughing, I grasped his shirt and buried my face in it.

I can't believe I did that, I'm such a failure.

He set me on the bench and looked into my teary eyes. "Are you okay?" He asked me. I sniffled and nodded. I wiped away a tear and took a deep breath. "Yeah." I breathed. "I'll be okay." I reassured him. "I just need a break." I told him. He nodded and coach blew the whistle, they continued playing without me. The coach came up to the bench and started to speak.

"What happened out there?" He asked. I watched the game. "I don't know." I whispered. "I guess I just tripped and over-worked my heart." I assumed. He nodded. "Will you be okay for conditioning?" He asked with a smirk. I chuckled "Yeah." I responded with a smile.


The whistle blew and the game ended. I really wanted to play but Coach insisted that I rest for conditioning. 

"Alright, twenty sprints!" He exclaimed as we finished our water-break. The other team left and headed to their rooms, sucks to be them; not really...I bet they're going to stuff their faces with Nutella and yummy, yummy fo-

The whistle interrupted my thoughts and I started sprinting. I reached the cone and jogged back. The whistle blew again and I sprinted to the cone, jogged back. 

I sprinted towards the cone and tripped on my own feet. Everyone immediately surrounded me. "Are you okay?!" Messi asked. "Guys, guys, I'm fine, I just tripped, gosh." I told them. Nick helped me up and everyone went back to their marks.

"Alright guys, two more!" Coach announced as we got closer to the finish. I pushed myself, my legs ached and my stomach had major cramps. I jogged back, the whistle blew and I finished sprints. 

"PRAISE DE LOHRD." I exclaimed as I fell to the ground. "Someone go get my water." I muttered. 

I felt something plastic hit my head. "Thank you!" I responded as I grabbed it. I sat up and took giant gulps of water. I sighed and got up. I grabbed my bag and started walking to the dorms. Nick walked up to me "Hey, what happened back there?" He asked. "Nothing, I just tripped and my heart overreacted." I lied. Honestly, I have no idea what happened and why it did, but I'm all good so I guess it's just nothing.

We walked back to the dorms and I scurried to my room. I put my hair down and brushed it. I took out my pajamas and hopped in the shower. The cold water soothed my steaming body. I washed the sweat off my body and hair, even though I didn't do much those sprints are killers.

I dried myself off and put on my pajamas. I combed my hair and grabbed my room key. I exited my room and was met by Louis. "Are you okay?" He asked me. I groaned "Why do you care?!" I snapped back. Louis raised his eyebrows and lifted his hands in surrender "Sorry." He told me quietly. I sighed "Look, I'm just tired of people asking me if I'm alright, I'm fine." I explained. "Well obviously you're not." He responded. He started walking away. I furrowed my eyebrows and caught up to him. I grabbed his arm, he span around and faced me. "What is that supposed to mean?!" I asked him. He sighed and shook his head "Figure it out." He responded.

He walked away and I slowly followed. "Wait a minute, Tommo." I spoke as I caught up to him. "Are you concerned about me?" I asked him. "I never said that." He defended. "But you thought it!" I teased. "What if I did!?" He asked me. "What would you do about it?!" He asked. "Huh?!" He questioned. "Whoa man," I muttered "Take it easy, I was just teasing." I told him as I slowly backed away from the enraged figure.

"Just..." Louis started as he raised his hand. He sighed and dropped his hand "Forget it." He breathed. He shoved my shoulder with his and walked past me back to his room. I furrowed my eyebrows.

What was that all about?

A/N Third chapter! Yay! Way to go me! ;) What do you think happened to Jamie?! JAMIE IS YOU OKAY?! IS YOU GOOD?! 


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