Chapter Thirteen

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*Jamie's P.O.V*

"Go long!" I exclaimed as I grasped a pair of skinny jeans. I put myself in a Quarter Back position "Let's play football Americano!" I spoke. Louis ran to my dresser and I threw the rolled up jeans, Louis caught them and threw them in the drawer. "Home run." He stated. I laughed "You're such an idiot." I chuckled.

I reached over to the last bag. I opened it and furrowed my eyebrows, it held something I hadn't seen before. I grabbed the fabric and spread it out. 

"You bought me a dress?!" I asked, I despise dresses. "Why not?" He replied. "WHY?!" I responded. "I hate dresses!" I exclaimed. I sit like a man, okay?! What can I say? "Well, I wanted to buy you one for a special occasion." He told me. I groaned and rolled my eyes. There is no way on this earth that I am wearing a dress.  

I cover my eyes with my hands and fall on the bed. "NO." I whine. "NEVER!" I exclaim, bringing out my inner-Mufasa. "Maybe." Louis argues. I peel my hands off my face. "Fine." I huff. "We can keep it but I'm not gonna wear it." I testify. I cross my arms and stare at the ceiling. I hear a sigh come from Louis. "I was hoping..." He muttered. "No!" I interrupted. "I'm not going to wear it." I demand. I turn my head so he is brought into my vision, his figure stood tall and his arm was held high, his hand grasped the hanger holding the dress. The dress wasn't ugly, it was white with little quaint flowers spread over it, a brown belt with gold accents accompanied it. I brought my eyes to the bag, I sat up and searched the inside. There was a gold arrow necklace and a gold chain bracelet, most likely bought at Forever 21. I pursed my lips and looked at Louis, he looked back at me, disappointment in his eyes.

I lifted myself from the bed and slowly approached Louis. "Look." I gently spoke. "I'm sorry but I...I just don't wear dresses." I told him. He pursed his lips and nodded "I understand." he whispered. "I just thought..Maybe.." He quietly spoke. I tilted my head "What?" I asked him, a small smile on my lips. He looked at me and mirrored my smile "Nothing." He covered up. I shrugged "Okay." I spoke. I grabbed the hanger from his hand "But we'll keep it just in case you change your mind." I teased, I sent him a wink and hung it in the closet.

"What should we do now?" Louis asked. I looked outside, the sun had already set. My stomach grumbled and Louis let out a chuckle. "Can we order pizza?" I asked. Louis smiled "You just read my mind." He spoke. He started for the door, once he reached the frame he turned and faced me. "Oh yeah, don't forget to take your medicine." He told me. I rolled my eyes. Louis shut the door. I walked to the dresser and grasped the plastic tower filled with pills. I opened the right column and took my amount of pills. 

I strolled over to my bed. I bent over and looked under my bed, I scavenged under there for a while with my hands. A smile appeared on my face once I found what I was looking for. I rolled the soccer ball out from under the bed. I stood up, I lifted my foot and slipped my sock off, I repeated with my other foot. I placed my foot on top of the soccer ball and quickly slipped it underneath it. The soccer ball rested on my foot. I raised my foot sending the soccer ball airborne, gravity pulled it down and I hit it with my foot giving it more air time. I start to juggle the ball with my feet, I'm going to use the last bit of soccer I have.

*Louis' P.O.V*

I slip my phone in my pocket, I just ordered three pizzas, I assume that Jamie will eat a lot considering what she ate at the dorms. I smile to myself. Now what? Should I go back to Jamie? I don't want to seem like a creep though...  I look at my surroundings. I reach for the remote, I plop myself on the couch and start pressing buttons. I channel surf for a while. 

After a while of watching commercials I turn the Telly off and set the remote back on the nighstand.

A crash catches my attention. I immediately get up and run to Jamie's room, despite the slight pain in my knee. I don't hesitate to grab the doorknob, I quickly open the door. "What happ-" my sight cuts my statement short.

"Fifty-one, fifty-two." Jamie mutters and she keeps the ball in the air with her feet. The ball bounces up and down just like a bouncy-ball on a hard surface. The consistency of the bounces was incredible. The ball would leave Jamie's grasp and fall right back on her feet, I've only dreamt of doing it that well. 

The ball gets a suddenly gets a spin "Sixty-one!" Jamie exclaims as she reaches her leg out and hits the ball for the last time. My jaw stays lowered and my eyes remain wide. Jamie gathers the ball and picks herself up. She rubs her thumb against the rubber ball. I clear my throat as I'm knocked back to my senses. Jamie's head flies in my direction. 

"Oh..Hi." She mutters. "How long have you been here?" She asks. I drop my hand from the doorknob, I rest my body on the door-frame. "Oh, um....Not long." I reply. She nods in response. "Sorry, I was in the zone." She tells me, chuckling slightly near the end of her statement. She looks at me and I look right back at her, admiring her features. Her slightly wavy brown hair resting below her shoulders, her bright green eyes and her slender figure.

The doorbell rips me from my thoughts. A smile dances on Jamie's lips. "FOOD!" She exclaims, she rushes past me. "LOUEH! Gimme your money so I can pay the man!" She yells from the entryway. I let out a small laugh and head to the door. When I enter the entrance Jamie is in the middle of a conversation with the young pizza guy.  I clench my fists. I hand the money to Jamie and rip the pizza boxes from the delivery boy. "Pay the fellow and then we'll watch some movies." I tell her. She sends me a confused look but obeys. 

She closes the door and I set the pizza on the counter. "What was that all about?" She asks as she enters the kitchen. I shrugged "I'm hungry, never get between a man and his food." I told her. She chuckled "Alright, that's acceptable." She told me. "At least we have one thing in common." She teased.


A/N MY INTERNET IS WORKING! YAY! :D I played soccer with the team yesterday, just for fun. There's a kid there who I really don't like and I was sore from practice so I couldn't shoot right so he was like "You can't even hit the ball right! It's probably because you're a girl." And I got kinda mad but I held it in. Then my friend, Sam, (Who also dislikes the kid) picked me before him, my inner-defensive side got the best of me. I yelled "SUCK IT! WHAT NOW?!" As I walked to my team...I feel bad for being mean to the kid but it was pretty funny. And everyone else who plays soccer there doesn't like him either so I think they all wanted to do that to him but just didn't have the guts and wanted to keep their class....Eh, oh well. 


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