Chapter Nine

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*Jamie's P.O.V*

Louis clumsily entered the key, he opened the door to his apartment - or, flat, as they call it in London. I smoothed out my skinny jeans that Louis so graciously bought me, and somehow he found ones that fit. I entered the apartment and was engulfed with One Direction merchandise. My eyes scanned the walls which held golden albums, I guess they actually are pretty popular.

I walked over to the fireplace, the mantel held many awards for the band. I pouted my lip and nodded "So you guys are pretty good?" I asked Louis "Heck yeah we are!" He exclaimed. Okay, I regret saying that already. "Wow, you're humble." I retorted "Wow, you're polite, pretending that my flat is yours." Louis mocked. I shrugged "Well according to you for the next month it is." I told him. He pursed his lips and put his finger under his chin causing the affect for me to 'believe' that he was actually thinking. He dropped his hand "Okay I got nothing." He responded with a chuckle.

We just stood there awkwardly, I rocked myself back and forth using my heels and toes. "So.." I muttered, breaking the silence "Where is my room?" I asked him. He face palmed himself "Duh!" He exclaimed. He brought his hand down and started walking "Follow me." He spoke, I nodded and started following him. He strolled down the hall and I followed. He stopped when we reached the third door to the left, he opened the door and gestured me to walk in. 

The walls were painted a light blue, the bedding was brown and the sheets were white. There was a white dresser accented with blue ombre drawers, man, Louis has good taste. The room smelled slightly of coffee, I smiled as I engulfed the scent. On the bed rested my duffle bag, I rushed to it. "You got my stuff?" I asked him. He nodded "Yes ma'am." He responded. I smiled and started sorting my stuff.

I stopped when something caught my eye. I looked at the night-stand, there was a brand-new soccer ball resting on it. I picked it up and examined it. There were scribbles all over it, I looked closely and I could make out the names of my teammates. I smiled "Did you do this?" I asked Louis, he smiled "Actually, it was Nick's idea." He responded. I chuckled "I'm gonna miss that kid." I put the ball back down and looked at Louis, there we stood, awkwardly, again.

I looked at the floor and suddenly I heard the door burst open. I looked at Louis and he was already heading towards the entrance. I cautiously followed, I heard cheering and rather loud greetings. I furrowed my eyebrows is he getting all friendly with the murderer? I slowly walked to the main entrance, hiding behind some objects. I peered out from the living-room wall, I saw a curly-haired boy and a few other guys, it took me a moment but I recognized them from the photos I looked up. I let out a groan and they all swung their heads in my direction.

"Crap!" I whisper-yelled as I rested my back against the wall. I heard Louis laugh. "Come on, Jamie, don't be shy." He teased. I squinted my eyes and clenched my fists. I groaned and turned around, going into the entrance. I faked a smile and waved "Hey guys." I spoke quietly. The curly-haired one sent his eyes up and down my body, I rolled my eyes and Louis clapped his hands. "Harold! No!" He scolded. I laughed and curly blushed. "Jamie, this is Liam, Zayn, and Harry, we have another member but he's in Ireland right now with his family." He told us. I nodded "Hi." I spoke bluntly. 

The curly one stuck out his hand "I'm Harry." He spoke, his voice was deep, but I knew he wouldn't hurt a fly - Or at least, he wouldn't hurt me - Well he might, but he'd regret it. I stared at his hand and looked back at him with raised eyebrows. I turned to Liam, I think. "Hi Liam, I'm Jamie." I spoke. He immediately embraced me in a hug. "OKAY!" I exclaimed as I pushed him back. His face softened "Sorry, sorry, so sorry." He told me. I laughed "It's fine I'm just not a hugger." I clarified. He nodded "I'll keep that in mind." He responded with a smile.

"But you play futball, right?" Zayn asked. I nodded but stopped myself. Do I play soccer? "Uhm...Kinda." I muttered. "What are you talking about? I've seen you play!" He told me, I looked at Louis and he was sending warning looks to Zayn. "I don't really play anymore." I argued. If he watches me play didn't he see what happened to me?!  "Well play with us!" He suggested, Harry and Liam cheered.

I closed my eyes and I felt the wetness of tears forming in my eyes. I could hear their faces fill with confusion and sorrow. "Zayn.." I heard Louis speak "Did you watch the game?" He asked. Zayn quickly responded "No." I sighed and opened my eyes. I started walking to my room, Louis caught up to me. "What do you want me to tell them?" He asked me. "Tell them the truth, I'm a failure." I spoke. I quickened my pace and slammed my bedroom door.

I'm nothing now, I'm just a failure.

A/N THIS IS DEPRESSING GUYS. SO. SAD. D: Sorry I updated SOOOO late! I had a soccer game, we won! 8-0, WHAT NOW?!!? ;) I almost scored but the defense was pretty good, and I haven't played competitive soccer in two years, I played pick-up games while I lived in Minnesota. ANYWAY, I hope you liked this chapter! Sorry it was so short! VOTE/COMMENT/FOLLOW! ~Hannah

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