The Soccer Player (A Louis Tomlinson Fanfic)

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*Jamie's P.O.V*

Wind rushes past me as I set my focus on the game in front of me. My opponents arms are hitting mine as they try to catch up to me and my legs speed up. I kick the ball a few feet in front of me to set the stage. I hear my breath as I move towards the ball. I swing my leg back and send the ball flying into the goal. The silence is broken and the crowd erupts into cheers.  My teammates ran up to me and gave me high-fives and tackled me with hugs. 

"Jamie!" Coach called. I lightly jogged over to him. "I want you in defense." He told me. "What?! Did you see that goal?!" I asked him. "Yes, I did, but I want Ashley up front." He told me. "But-" I stuttered "No buts!" He demanded. I turned away and rolled my eyes. I jogged back to Ashley "Hey, you're up front now." I told her. She smiled and jogged up there. 

The game started.

The girl passed the ball to her right, then again. The ball started coming down to me along with the player. I stayed a few feet back for screening. I waited for the perfect moment. The ball left the player's grasp for only a second and I cleared it out to the other half of the field. Ashley ran to it and got it. Defense soon surrounded her. 

"GIVE HER SOMETHING!" I shouted in frustration to my teammates. They all were being gaurded. My breath became audible as I started running out there. "Ashley! Forward!" I called. She passed the ball and I took the shot. A loud ding was heard. Crap. Crap crap crap.

I didn't hesitate to run the other way. An excruciating pain was in my legs and the right side of my stomach hurt. My opponent grazed the field with the ball all the way to our goal. I leaned forward and tried to get more momentum. I glanced at the timer. 10, 9, 8... I made my way in front of my opponent and the hard, cold, ball made impact with my face. I fell to the ground and brought my hands to my face. I shut my eyes to block out the pain; The vicious stinging was horrible in the cold weather. It felt like a bundle of tiny little thorns were being thrown at my face.

The sound of the ball being hit came to my ears. I heard the crowd cheer and the timer go off. My breaths became heavy as I sluggishly got up while holding my face. All I could hear was my heart beating and my thick breaths. My eyes widened at the sight. The opposite team was screaming and jumping around. I glanced at  the scoreboard held my nightmare.


We lost.

My legs numbed and my knees fell to the ground in defeat. We lost. And it's all my fault.

I watched as the other team drooled over their trophy. It should be mine.  I brought my head to the cold grass and pounded the ground in anger. It's all my fault.


DUN DUN DUNNN!!!!!!! Prologue, baby! :D I'm really excited to get this story started! I hope you like it! VOTE/COMMENT/SHARE! ~Hannah

Can I get 1 vote to start it off??? :D :D

The Soccer Player (A Louis Tomlinson Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin