Chapter Four

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*Jamie's P.O.V*

A brightness opened my eyes.  I squinted them and immediately shut them. I rolled over so I wasn't facing the window. I attempted to go back to sleep but as soon as I closed my eyes a knock was placed on the door.

"Get up!" Coach demanded. I groaned and slowly got out of bed, the cold slowly embracing my body. I stumbled to the door and groggily found the handle, I opened the door and leaned on the wall. 

"We have two more practice days until the game, today we just have practice from 10-11, then again at 5-7:30." He told me. I nodded and let out a yawn. "sounds good." I mumbled. He smiled and I closed the door. I stumbled to my bed and plopped myself face-first on the comfy mattress. "I love you." I muttered into the pillows.


"No, it's mine!"  "Not anymore!"

I heard faint yelling as I neared the cafeteria. I rubbed my eyes and pushed the door open. Nick and Hope were having a fight.

"Give me that bacon!!" Hope shouted as she jumped at Nick. "Never!!' He responded. I really like Nick, he's such a tease.

I smirked and walked between them. I swiftly grabbed the bacon from Nick's hand and ate it. "Thank you." I mumbled with a mouthful of bacon. Hope just stared at me with her mouth open, Nick was holding back laughter.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"You took my bacon!" Hope exclaimed. "Oh," I muttered, I swallowed the remaining bacon. "That was yours?" I asked. Hope looked astonished, I guess 5th Grade Drama Class paid well. "Yeah, it was!" She responded. I shrugged "Sorry." 

"If you want it I could-" I started "NO!" Hope responded, she looked away and held out her hand. "It's okay, you can uhm...Keep it." She told me. She put her hand down and looked at me. I pouted my lip a little and shrugged. It's too late now.

The door opened and Louis entered the cafeteria, his hair was sorted in all sorts of directions...It looked kinda...Cute...

Wait, whoa whoa whoa...

Are you falling for someone, Jamie?!

No, no, definitely not, especially Tomlinson. Ew, that's gross gross, like his soccer skills. OH SNAP.

"GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD Morning!" Nick exclaimed. I blinked a few times and brought my hand to my ear. "Wow, I think I'm up now." I chuckled. Nick laughed "Good, we have practice today."  I groaned, I forgot about practice. I walked over to the glorious food and plopped three pieces of toast on my plate, I grabbed the Nutella and spread it on the now cold pieces of toast. I walked back to the table and took a seat.

I took a big bite of my toast, Louis approached my table and sat in the empty seat next to me. I sent him a 'What the crap I'm disturbed' look and he responded with a weak smile. I shrugged and continued eating.  I quickly ate my breakfast and headed to the kitchen for some more. I grabbed a carton of chocolate milk and walked back out. I started drinking it when Nick started chanting "Chug! Chug! Chug!" 

I tilted the carton back and let the tasty liquid pour down my throat. I tilted my head back more when it started getting lighter. Soon, the carton was empty. Nick clapped and cheered, I threw the carton at him and fell to my knees. I raised my hands in the air and threw my head back. 

"Thank you! Thank you!" I exclaimed, I took a bow on my knees and got up. I glanced at Louis, but the glance grew to a full stare. He was just eating his food, not paying attention to any of his surroundings. I furrowed my eyebrows. I know I really shouldn't like Louis but sometimes I get the urge to talk to him...But then I'd probably send him a zinger and make him dislike me even more, which I want...No, I think I want...No - Maybe - ugh, I don't know.

I looked at the clock, it was 9:30. Crap! I gotta get ready for practice!

"Hey guys, we should be getting ready." I spoke. Hope and Nick looked at the clock and headed to their rooms. Louis just stayed put. A part of me wanted to sit and talk to him, but the other part was thinking about soccer. Soccer always wins. I walked past Louis and heard a sigh come from his mouth. I stopped walking. I bit my inner lip and closed my eyes. Just do it.

I turned around and sat by Louis. "Why the sad face?" I asked, pretending that I wasn't interested. Louis swallowed his food and looked me in the eyes. "I was just so worried about you." He mumbled. "What?!" I asked as I stood up. No one has ever really cared about me, like, ever. "I was worried about you, okay?!" He shouted. He got up and grabbed his plate, he threw it in the trash can and stormed off to his room. My mouth slightly parted and my eyes were still in a wide-open state. Louis actually CARES about ME?! Why? Why would anyone? Then again, why wouldn't anyone? I'm a future-superstar, I need to stay healthy if I'm gonna make it with the big dogs.

I smiled to myself and headed to my room. I slipped my key out of my pocket and put it in the slot. I opened the door and was welcomed by my smelly room. I grabbed my forever-stinky shin guards and a pair of clean socks. I put them on and grabbed my cleats. I walked out of my room and Louis bumped into me. I shrugged it off and continued walking, I could hear Louis' footsteps far behind. I had the urge to look back but decided not to, he's probably better off without me anyway.

I walked down the stairs and out the doors to the fields. The field was empty. I took a deep-breath, I love the smell of the field, the freshly painted sidelines, the healthy grass and the smell of sweat from the previous players linger in the air. I smiled and dropped my bag. I took out my ball and started to do some shooting. I locked my ankle and swung it towards the ball. The ball went swifly soaring in the net. I smiled to myself again and jogged over to the goal. I lifted the net and fished my ball out with my foot. 

A person on the bench caught my eye. I looked over and saw Louis picking at his phone. I looked at my ball and back at Louis. I picked up my ball and walked over to the bench. I coughed and Louis lifted his head, his piercing blue eyes looked straight into my green ones, I guess there really is no photoshop on his pictures, they really are that blue. "Uhm...What's up?" I asked him. I sat down and looked at his phone, he quickly put it away. "Nothing." He responded. I sent him a skeptical look. "You've been acting strange lately." I spoke. I leaned closer to get a view of his face but he wouldn't look at me. He didn't respond. "Why aren't you practicing." He spoke, it was more of a statement than a question. I shrugged and grabbed my ball. "If you don't want to talk to me, fine." I responded.

I stood up and went back to the fields. I started shooting but Louis continued to float in my head. I shoved the thoughts of him to the back of my mind and continued to practice. I just wish I knew what was going on in that little mind of his...

*Louis' P.O.V*

I researched the issues that Jamie had last night. Something came up as some sort of rare blood-pressure desease, R.O.P.S, or something like that. I dunno. But it seemed to be pretty serious. I walked to the fields and continued doing more research on my phone. I sat on the bench and dropped my bag. I scrolled down more and I finally found what I was looking for. My thumb hovered over the icon, I jumped when I heard a cough.

I looked up and was met by vibrant blue eyes and light brown hair. I couldn't smile looking at her face, she's in danger and she has no clue. She stared right into my eyes for a while before speaking. "Uhm..What's up?" She asked. She took a seat beside me and glanced at my phone. I pushed the lock button and quickly put it away, she can't see what I was looking up. "Nothing." I responded. I looked at my cleats and fiddled around with them. "You've been acting strange lately." She stated, yeah, you're the one to talk, you have some sort of health issue that I'm trying to figure out. I sighed and closed my eyes. I brought my head back up but refused to look at her. "Why aren't you practicing." I asked her. She shrugged and picked up her soccer ball. "If you don't want to talk to me, fine." She told me, oh, but I do...But I can't.

She walked back to the fields and started shooting, she has a really good kick, I could probably shoot better though, if I can't now, I'll be able to soon enough.

A/N Sorry for the short chapter, I want to make this story longer and that means shorter chapters. :P VOTE/COMMENT/SHARE! ~Hannah

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