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"You've got to be fucking kidding me, Stilinski!" I try to wiggle out of Stiles' grasp. Great this is just what I needed. To be harassed by Deputy Dipshit. Again.

"Stop, or I will handcuff you," Stiles murmurs in my ear as he holds my hands behind my back.

"It's not my fault! She hit me first! What the fuck was I supposed to do? And she called me a dirty whore! Bitch had it comin'!" I try once more to slip out of his hold, failing miserably.

"I warned you," he sings and I feel the slap of the cold steel on my wrists.

"This is such bullshit! I'm telling your dad! This is the third fucking time this month, Stiles!" I growl.

"Well, maybe you should stop breaking the law so I wouldn't have to arrest you," Stiles laughs and starts to lead me to the front door of the bar.

"Technically, I haven't been charged with anything. You just like harassing me," I turn to look at him over my shoulder.

"Maybe I just like the way you look in my cuffs," the tone of his voice sends a chill through me and I stop dead in my tracks. He moves to stand in front of me, giving me that goddamn wink and smirk before he opens the back door of his cruiser.

"You are unbelievable," I laugh, a lightbulb suddenly going off in my head. He's not even joking. Every time he's arrested me, he handcuffs me and throws me in a cell for an hour and then I get released. I've never seen the inside of a courtroom, so I've never been charged. This asshole just has a serious kink.

The ride to the station is quiet. I keep my eyes locked on him in the rear view mirror, watching every time he takes his eyes off the road to look at me.

Stiles parks the car and starts typing away on the police issued computer. I sit patiently, even though the cuffs are starting to dig into my skin, waiting for him to let me out. I watch him as he gets out, the government issued uniform is actually pretty damn hot on him, I gotta say. His ass looks great in those khaki pants. He opens the door and helps me get out, which proves to be kind of difficult in the short dress and six inch heels I'm wearing while my hands are restrained behind my back.

"You know, if you really like seeing me in these cuffs that much," I say, as he leans around me to close the car door. "All you have to do is ask," I lean in and whisper in his ear.

Stiles straightens and narrows his eyes at me, his tongue peeking out to wet his lips. "Noted," he smirks and leads me into the station.

As the heavy metal cell door closes, I notice the Sheriff walk in, an annoyed look on his face. "Again?" He sighs and shakes his head. I lay down on the piece of shit they call a bed, crossing my ankles and putting my hands under my head.

"Just another lovely interaction with your son, Sheriff! Maybe you should explain to him exactly what police harassment is," I start to whistle.

"She assaulted someone! I was within the law to bring her here!" He waves his hands dramatically, like always.

"Stiles," the Sheriff wipes his forehead in a frustrated manner. "My office."

I give Stiles a flirty smile and pucker my lips at him. He places his hands around the metal bars of the cell. "Enjoy the peace and quiet," he smiles, clicking his tongue and raising his eyebrows at me.

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