Mine & Yours (29)

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// Ian's POV \\

I was numb. And it wasn't like the feeling you got from novocaine at the dentist. It was an overwhelming feeling that made it impossible to move, see, or hear.

I could only look down at Sam's limp body. Her lips were now purple and her eyes had lost all light. The bubbly, spirited girl that once loved me was now gone, in another life.

And I wasn't quite sure I would be able to live much longer without her.

I quickly pulled myself up from the ground and look down at my heavily blood-soaked clothes. Her blood.

I sprinted out of the small building, now on a mission to find the goddamn asshole who did this to her. The woman I loved, the woman I was going to marry.

When I got outside, there was nobody in sight. I made my way around the entire building, but it was like he disappeared into thin air.

"Looking for somebody?"


I whipped around, coming face-to-face with the cold-hearted man himself. But I was too late, he had a bloody knife in his hand that made its way into my chest before I even had a chance to make any move.

Everything went white, and the pain was gone in an instant. I knew what this meant, and I was honestly not that upset.

I had been stabbed right in the heart. I was dead.

"Ian? No, Ian NO!" I heard the all-too-familiar voice.

I whipped around once again and saw Sam running towards me. She was wearing a white sundress that had sunflowers printed all over it, and her hair looked perfectly curled, bouncing up and down with each step she took.

"H-how did you just let go like that? We both can't be dead, it'll ruin everything for Grace-"

I cut her off by pressing my lips onto hers. I felt her body collapse into mine as she pulled away. Her tears quickly soaked my shirt as she sobbed loudly.

"Shh, shh it's gonna be okay, I promise.." I whispered, resting my chin on the top of her head.

For a few minutes we just stood like this, trying to absorb everything that just happened.

We were dead.

And this time it was for real. Grace wouldn't always be there to save us, and that was the cold truth.

All of our friends and family had no idea where either of us were, they wouldn't even have the peace of knowing that we died together, me clutching the bloody body of the woman I love.

That's when the tears began to fall down my own face, but silently. I had let Sam down, let down my family, my friends, everybody. I was the reason all of this went down the shithole.

All because I needed a damn towel back at VidCon.

Wait. VidCon. The towel. The elevator. The necklace!

I slightly pried Sam off of me, and she just looked up at me, her eyes red, puffy, and full of confusion.

I looked down and around her neck, and sure enough, she was wearing that necklace. I don't think she ever really took it off.

"Your necklace. Let me see it, just for a minute please?" I gave her my puppy dog eyes, which she could never resist.

She actually managed to let out a small adorable giggle as she undid the clasp on her necklace, which surely was a bonus.

i'm yours // i.h.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang