Goodbyes & Kisses (6)

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|| Sam's POV ||

We got to the party, and it was pretty packed. I was pretty nervous, having social anxiety and all. I stayed by Ian mostly, because Anthony left us.

"Sam you ok?" Ian saw my face turning a pale white color.

"Yeah, just too many people.' I was trying to breathe deeply, but it wasn't working.

He grabbed my arm, and led me through the crowd.

We got outside, and I could finally breathe again. I was gasping for air. I felt pretty stupid right now, I mean, i was freaking out because of people.

Ian smiled as I returned to a normal color. I stared at the ground, my face a VERY bright red. I didn't even know what to say at this point. Ian spoke up, and broke the awkward silence.

"Hey Sam, I figured, since you're leaving and all, you need a goodbye present." I looked at him, a puzzled expression on my face.

"What the hell are you talking about, Hecox?" I giggled, my face turning red once again.

He reached into his pocket, and pulled something out.

I almost passed out.

He had the necklace.

Was is for me all along? I had no idea. I turned around, and he put it around my neck, my entire body covered in goosebumps when his hands touched my neck. I was a mess inside, but barely keeping cool on the outside. I smiled at him, my voice not working at the moment.

I looked down at my necklace, it was a crescent moon, with a little star dangling next to it.

When I looked back up, Ian's blue eyes met my hazel ones. I felt my whole body shaking, and my brain was still unable to wrap around what was going on.

He stpped closer, and my brain status was definetly gone off the grid. I was barely able to process anything right now.

We were still staring into each other's eyes, even as he moved even closer. I could feel his breath, and I was completely frozen where I was standing.

Then it all happened, so quickly.

He leaned in, and kissed me.



I was shocked! I kissed back, and felt my face turning bright red, the color it was most of the time. He pulled back, and smiled. I tried my best not to scream, and I was able to keep it down.

"Wow..." I said, out of breath,

His smile grew even bigger, and I felt like I was on cloud 9. He started walking, and I followed. We walked back to the hotel, and got up to our hallway. I didn't want to leave, I would probably never see him again. He kissed me once again, before he left, without a word. I stood there, against my room door. I turned around, and went inside. Everybody was packing, and I tried to sneak into the bathroom.

"Sam, you're back!" Becca ran over and hugged me, which was weird.

"Yeah.." I wasn't ok yet, I just wanted to be alone.

"What's her problem?" Karen walked out of the bathroom, and threw her towel into her suitcase. I shrugged, and starting shoving random stuff into mine. I was silent for the rest of the day, until we got home. I was just never going to get over it. It was like a dream come true. I never thought it would actually happen. I just layed in bed for hours, replaying the moment over and over in my head.

How was I going to make it through school tomorrow?

I wasn't.

I remembered that I had Ian's number, and rushed over ot my suitcase. I started throwing stuff everywhere, until I found the paper. I put the number into my phone, and texted him.

To: Ian ^.^

Hey, it's Sam.

Short and simple, I wasn't going to pour out my feelings in a huge paragraph.

|| Ian's POV ||

My phone buzzed.

A random number?

From: ???

Hey, it's Sam.

I smiled, she finally put my number in her phone. Maybe that meant she needed to tell me something. I didn't know. I couldn't figure out girls. I texted her back, trying not to sound too excited, even though I was really happy on the inside.

To: Sam ;) Heey! What's up? :P

|| Sam's POV ||

A few seconds later, my phone buzzed. I jumped up and ran over to it.

He actually texted back!

We ended texting for hours, just about everything. I was finally happy, which I hadn't been in a while.

|| Ian's POV ||

Sam is amazing. She texted me for hours, and I was so happy. We talked about everything, except for that kiss. Something about it was sticking in my mind. I felt like it was important, but I didn't know why.

From: Sam ;)

I'm sad now :( I gotta go, it's like 3 A.M. here, and I got school today/ :P I'll text later. ^.^

I frowned, but accepted it. She was in her junior year, (as she had told me) and she was working hard. (also as she had told me) I didn't want to be her "downfall". I didn't want her to hate me.

I wanted her to love me.

|| Sam's POV ||

I couldn't sleep that night, my brain was too active. I just wanted to talk to Ian, hear his voice and see his face. I wanted that more than anything. I lied there, staring at the celing. I held my necklace tightly, and suddenly remembered my locket, which was buried somewhere in my disaster of a suitcase. I sighed as I heard my alarm go off. I was going to school, no sleep. I like to refer to that as "running on fumes". I rubbed my eyes, and sat uo in bed. I had no idea what i was going to do, I was os tired.

I dragged myself out of bed, and walked to the shower.

This was the start of my "new" life.

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