Returning & Happiness (21)

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//Sam's POV\\

It was a few months later. I had escaped all the chaos, at least for a little bit.

I had started going back to school, even though it was basically hell for me. People were always giving me dirty looks, but I had gotten used to it. I had my group of friends, and I was fucking fine with it.

"Sam, are you ready for school?" Ian called from downstairs.

"Yeah, i'll be down in a sec."

I grabbed my purse, and my books. Ian had volunteered to drive me, as there was only 3 days of school left until graduation.

I came down the stairs, and my houseguests looked up and smiled.

"Hey, guys!" I chirped happily.

"Hey Sam!" They chorused back.

I met Ian in the car, and we drove off to school.

"So, are you ready for graduation Friday?" Ian rubbed his thumb on my hand as we sat at a red light.

"As ready as I can be. I can't wait to finally be done with the hell known as high school."

We continued to drive to school, and then finally pulled up out front.

"Good luck." Ian said, kissing my cheek.

I smiled, and got out of the car. I saw some of my friends waiting outside of the band room doors. It was weird, being able to get into the band room from outside.

We all walked into school together, and then I seperated off to reading with Karen, Rachel, and Jess. The conversation we had on the way was quite interesting. We decided to talk about... well... penises.

"I'm telling you guys, his penis is tiny!" Rachel argued. I was trying my best to ignore the entire conversation.
I sat down in my seat, which was in the very front row.

I hated it.

Our teacher came in late, and started yelling at us all for just sitting there, but nobody listened, like usual.

I managed to get through the rest of my day, and mentally crossed off another day in my mind calendar.

Ian was waiting outside the school for me, and I hopped in the car.

"How was your day?" He said, and then immediately locked his hand with mine.

"It was ok, as usual." I set my books down on my lap, and we drove off.

"Anthony and I have a shoot today, wanna come with?"

"I mean, it couldn't hurt for me to go."
"Great! We needed an actress anyways..."

"Wait, what?"

(A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, but it was just a filler one. I decided to continue my story, so I hope that would be an excuse enough. :P)

i'm yours // i.h.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt