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There was a tale past down from centuries ago that started from a young woman. She had witness a young man's life who had mystery surrounding him where ever he went.

One day a young man had asked her to follow him around to watch his life go on and keep it written down in a book. She was confused and surprised by the odd request, but did this due to his kind flattery and respect to her. His life went on followed by that young woman with a book and pen. She was shown magic powers he used to entertain many folks who came to watch him preform. A wonderful magician who could do even the most dangerous tricks ever imagined.

This young women then started to notice the people around the young magician who were very close to him. Mainly 10 people at the most would be often seen around him were most familiar with him. Three of the nine people being female and the rest of them males. They were strange in her opinion, but at the same time fun to be around.

One of the women had beautiful red long hair and she looked strong. Her personality is so cool and laid back. She once saw her act cool and calm in the face of danger against a thief while she was out in town. The second female she met was a blond, who was from a wealthy family. She was adored by the townsfolk since her ancestors were the founder of the town. She had a stuck up attitude, but when she's with the group she seems so much more comfortable and real with herself. Finally the last female of the group had chocolate brown hair. She was so cheerful and happy, the one that brought fun into the group. Her fashionable sense led her to her line of work and well being.

The males of the group were also just as amazing. The oldest of the males was a professor in his studies and as well as a scientist. The old man to her had taught her about most things when she couldn't go to school which she was grateful for. The second oldest of the group was also a studious person. Always being seen writing in a book or reading one that gave him information, time to time conversing with the young magician. The third oldest was hard working man that often cheated his customers for money. Trading tricks of the trade with the young magician. His customers never really paying good attention to having spend a lot for something fake. But he was protective over his close friends and family. The fourth oldest was more younger than them and had more connection with his child side. He usually helped the magician set up the stage, fixed up the performance stage, the guy was practically the maintenance man.  Then there was the young males of the group. The youngest was a albino haired kid that worked as a young psychic and magic. The young women did see this kid has taken a liking to the brunette female and has a weird personality. The male teenager like to wear black as well as a stitched heart somewhere on his clothes. She heard that the red hair female and him use to date before, but broke up sometime after awhile.

The young woman knew these 9 people at the most with their connection to the young magician, but there was one she couldn't seem to connect.

The brunet male who was the last of the ten in the group. He was also like a enigma just like the young magician. Having a very peculiar birthmark that wasn't really common, but rare. He was even the brother of the fashionable brunette. The brunet was often found at the magician's side talking with each other quietly. Often playing a game with each other in the dressing room before a magic show. The young woman knew they were really close to each other and left them alone most of the time.

Then a day came where the 9 people she knew left the young magician all at once. Turning their back to him and walking out from his life. Only the brunet stayed with him and continued to hang on his side.

There was another day where the young woman accidentally overheard a conversation with the 9 people with the brunet. They were asking him to leave the young magician or else something bad will happen. The brunet firmly stood his ground angrily telling him to leave him alone before storming off.

A few months past, the woman and the magician came back to the office to find the brunet dead. Blood pooling on the white work desk next to his head. A one strong hit to the head that killed him instantly from what the woman judged. After she scream she turned to the magician to see him staring wide eyes at the dead brunet. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he walked over to brunet now forever not to wake up.

She knew from that moment everything will change.

The magician only did small shows instead of big ones like he normally does. Became more and more resilient by hiding himself behind a fake happy mask. She found herself a couple days after the funeral watching the magician making a deal with the devil. The young woman cried watching the magician scream in agony as he changed, soon laughter morphed into insane laughter. He had had taken form of a demon now, but all she saw was a broken being.

She continued to follow the now demon magician for the rest of her life as she had promised. The new demon said she could leave him alone now and go on with her life, but she decided to continue to stay with him. The people close to him had left him and hurt him emotionally, she didn't want to be like one of them. She even saw him kill the remaining 9 people who were close to him before in one snap of his fingers. So the woman wrote everything about the demon and what she had witnessed making it into a story.

Life went on and they soon found that those nine people were reincarnated. They had found a happy and cheerful brunette along the way, one day, to a town. She was on her way back from selling some of her designs from a rich man. They quickly separated from her, but stumbled upon another familiar person playing a version of an old guitar with a stitch heart on his sleeve. Running away again didn't help as they bumped into a young boy, the same age as the young girl designer.

It made the demon stare at the young boy silently. He hugged the young boy suddenly crying which surprised her and the boy. She saw that same birthmark that made her know why the demon so sorrowful.

Now every time they died, they'd be reborn somewhere in the world with different connection amongst the ten. Often different age gaps or genders would change, but never the brunet male that some how managed to stay the same with little changes.


Years have past, the demon sat on a chair next to the old women who had followed him through her whole life writing down his life. She was now sick in bed, she smiled as she pushed a familiar book to the demon. The book cover is leather and color black with a yellow triangle in the middle a belt lock keeping it closed. It was her silent goodbye to the demon and he knew that. He left her to the people in the clinic.

Only for that book to be lost along the way as the demon lived on.

Children would often visit her for stories and she enjoyed telling them about the young magician who became a demon. Adults didn't really like her for telling the young children that kind of made up story, but it was so real to the kid's ears. She wanted to pass down the story so the magician's story could live on.

On her last day, she died with a smiled on her face with no regrets.

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