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             Seeing Robbins standing before me, broke my heart in two. She was my only chance at being free and now she was trapped just like me. Gary said Robbins was the best and she would get me out of here. Surely, he never expected this. What was going to happen to her? Would Kyle decide to kill her to torture me even more? I couldn't move my body as I stared at the women who was the only reason I hadn't lost all hope.

              Robbins looked like a hot mess. Her long ponytail had strains of hair falling out. Her eyes were bloodshot with large bags under them. She must not have been sleeping much either. Tears were on the verge of breaking from my eyes as I stared at her. Fear was written all over her face, despite how much she tried to hide it. I watched as Dole dragged Robbins by the arm down to the basement. She was so much more obedient than me. Then again, she was probably in shock from Dole being the copycat and the realization that Kyle could kill her at any moment. She had more to lose than me.

            Kyle looked back in my direction and I tried not to make eye contact, hoping he would ignore me. I was stupid to think that. He silently walked over to me and pushed me back against the wall. He forcefully grabbed my chin, making me look up at him. Those familiar blue eyes were the last thing I wanted to see right now.

          "You look beautiful right now." He said, his eyes showing that he was sleepy.

            "Um, thanks." I said timidly as I avoided eye contact, hoping I wasn't blushing from his compliment.

            It's not like I wanted to blush but I wasn't used to getting complimented and seeing the compassionate side of Kyle. His eyes scanned, my cleaned body, lingering bruises were the only sign of the day of torture. Kyle grabbed my hands and it took everything I had not to spit on him and pushed him away. I wanted to fight, it was in my blood. But I remember what he said about me behaving and I wasn't in the mood to make him mad again. I was exhausted and couldn't fight even if I wanted too.

         "Can I please go to sleep?" I asked, wanting to get away from him.

           I could tell he was upset by my attempt to try and get away but he nodded. He let me go but his body was still pressed up against mine, causing goosebumps to form on my skin. He leaned closer and kissed me on the cheek, making me want to puke. I faked a smile, hiding how disgusted I was with him. He backed away from me, allowing me to escape to my room.

          "I'll be in there soon." Kyle said as I headed back to the bedroom.

             I hoped that he would leave Robbins alone and not her. I'm not sure what I would do if she was killed. The thought made my head start to pound, giving me a headache. I was tempted to go and find Cali but I was still exhausted from yesterday and I needed more sleep. I walked into the bedroom, wanting to crash as soon as I hit the bed. Despite not wanting to sleep with Kyle, the bed looked very welcoming. I just needed another hour or two of sleep to feel better.

           On my side of the bed, there were blood stains, making me think of Ethan. No, I couldn't think about him right now. Avoiding looking at it, I climbed into Kyle's spot of the bed and closed my eyes. It was hard to fall asleep, despite my aching body and exhaustion. Any moment Kyle would come back in and that thought alone kept me awake.

          Just as my eyes closed my body loosen up, I flinched awake by the door opening. I looked around to see nothing. What was going on? Who was there? Then Kyle stepped out of the shadows of the darkened room and said, "Sorry if I scared you."

         How did he expect me to react when he crept out of the darkness? My heart stopped racing as my body relaxed once again. I knew what he was capable of but I wasn't as scared of him as I was a year ago. I'd been through this before and sadly, it wasn't as hard as before. Sure, I was scared but this wasn't the first time being kidnapped by Kyle. I couldn't be scared if I wanted to escape.

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