Perish 19

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~%~%~ Day six~%~%~

~%~Jongsuk POV~%~

  Today is our last day at the cruise, tomorrow we will arrive at California. I don't want this to end. But good things has come to an end.

Tiffany woke up first again. I don't have the same energy as the other days, specially since yesterday; God yesterday was the best, she was the best. I never thought I could love someone even more.

When Tiffany came back from taking a shower I went next.

For todays schedule its not that much, we can go around the cruise and do stuffs, do whatever she wants. Her happiness is my priority.

We were currently at the cafe having our breakfast.

"So what do you wanna do today?" I asked her.

"Well ... I really don't know. What do you suggest?"

"There's a mini golf at the rooftop, we can go there."

"Yeah, sounds good"

We continued to eat our delicious breakfast.


"I suck at this" Tiffany said, missing for the fourth time her shot.

"You'll get the hang of it" holding on a laughter.

"Don't laugh!" pushing me lightly.

"I'm not, I'm not" smiling at her.

She then position her self to try again to hit the ball. I took the chance and went towards her back. I then took the golf stick she was holding, making me on top of her.

"Let me teach you" I whispered to her ear.

"Okay" she breath out.

I told her the basic, from holding the stick correctly to standing correctly.

"Okay now slowly hit the ball" I said.
She did as told and the ball made it to the hole.

"YES!" Tiffany jumped and  squealed of joy making me smile at her.

She then jumped at me surprising me making me lose balance for us then to fell down to the ground. We both laugh at what just happened.

"Hahaha I'm sorry Jongsuk" she laughed. She was on top of me, now. I couldn't stop but to stare at her, I thought I was ready to leave but now I really don't want to. I don't want to die. I want to live.

"Jongsuk whats wrong?, are you hurt anywhere?" Tiffany had a worried look. I was confused for a moment until I felt something liquid run down my cheeks. I was crying.

"Uh no, no I'm alright. Don't worry" I dry out my tears and got up from the ground. Helping Tiffany get up too.

"Are you hurt?" checking her buddy if she was scratch anywhere.

"Yeah I'm fine, I guess I got to carried away, sorry" she pouted.

I hugged her by instant and laid my head on top of hers. "It's okay, do you wanna go and watch a show?" I suggested.

"The magic show one?"


"Let's go"

We hold hands and went where the show was taking place.

~~~~~                        ~~~~~
     ~%~ At dinner ~%~

  "Man, I can't believe I have to start working again, I kind of like the vacation life." she joked, we were currently at the dining area of the cruise, looking at the menu for this night.

"I thought you like your job"

"Oh I do, I love it but it really is time consuming."

"Oh I know what you mean"

The waiter came to us, took our order and went back to the kitchen. That man, needs to be punished, he haven't even asked us about our night, they are supposed to ask us, I'm going to talk to Lisa about this- "Jongsuk are sure you're okay?" Tiffany asked me taking me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, why you ask?"

"You look very pale right now... did you took your pills this morning?"

Did I? Shit I didn't. I need to take them.

As I got up from the chair I instantly felled down scratching my forehead.

"Oh my god Jongsuk! are you okay?" Tiffany rushed over me and other people that were close to us came too.

I couldn't respond I was to weak to do it. All I could hardly say was " my pills" Tiffany was staring at me with watery eyes and holding my hands "Where are they? Jongsuk please!!"

"They're .... they're-"
God dam it! I can't speak. I can't die now , I still have 5 days left I still have time. I need to be strong for her, I can't let her be alone. So I took a breath and said it quickly "They'reAtMySuitcaseInAYellowBag" I don't remember much after that, all I can say is that it went all dark.

Perish [ Lee Jongsuk ]Where stories live. Discover now