Perish 1

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Like time suspended,
a wound unmanned—
you and I.
We had no ending,
no said good-bye.
For all my life,
I'll wonder why.


   I was working in an animal hospital in Miami. I started to work there recently and since I was a newbie I didn't do much, just help out the doctors or help out a little bit with the animals. I was helping Dr.Lee today.
Dr.Lee was a very... interesting man. He looks very cold and grumpy on the outside but in the inside he is very sweet and caring. From the first day on the job he help me out a lot even if he didn't had the time to do so and even if he gave me glares all the time but he was a good boss. After a while working there we became very good friends.

"Well miss your puppy it's alright no need to worry, come back in six month so that we can give him his first shot" he said while caressing the little puppy. "Alrighty then, Thank you Doctor" the client grabbed her little puppy and got out of the office.
"Tiffany can you please go to the secretary and tell her to book Sonia Smith for the next 6 month shot list" he simply said while going to his desk " Oh! and please come back, I have something to ask you" sitting down on his office chair and starting to work on some of the papers that were on top of his desk.
I felt so nervous, like in those  moments when someone tells you that they have a secret they want to tell you but you have to wait like the hole day for them to tell you, you get the point; I got nervous.
"Yes Dr.Lee" I said with a little crack at the end, I hope he didn't notice that. He didn't responded nor looked up at me, he just kept working on thous papers.


"Hi Martha" I greeted the secretary with a sweat voice.
"Well hello Tiffany, in what I can help you?" she said while typing some stuffs in the hospital computer.
"Dr.Lee said that if you can book Sonia Smith for next six month shot list"
"Yeah sure" Martha began to type rapidly on the keyboard, after a minute she gave me a signal that she just made the appointment. With that I gave her my thanks and went back to Dr.Lee's office. I knocked two times on his office door and step inside. He was laying down on the couch he has in his office, he looked up at me and sighted.
"What's wrong Dr.Lee" I asked.
"Come on Tiffany... no one is around you can call me by my name" he said while sitting down properly on his couch.
"Fine, what's wrong Jaehyun?" sitting down next to him on the couch.
"Well there's an "activity" coming up" he said while looking at me.
"What's the "activity"?"
"It's just a stupid thing that all the workers of this hospital go's to..." making littles circles with his finger in the space between us.
"Jaehyun! just say it!" I snap at him but of course in a playful way. Did I mention that he doesn't act his age? well now you know; he acts just like a teenager some times always being mysterious and stuff.

"Ya! watch your tone with me I am still tour boss" he stated with a little smirked. "But anyways, it's like a night out with the co-workers, we do this like every month and I'm tired of it" whining at the end.

"Why didn't I know that?" I ask a little sad.

"What didn't you know?" with a confused look.

"That theres a party every month with the co-worker? I work here too" I started to whine.

"ooh that, well Tiffany you just started like two months ago and you don't even work everyday like other people here" Jeahyun said,moving a string of my hair behind my ear.

I felt my cheek burn a little bit I tried to calm down but fail miserably so I just looked down to the ground.

"Aww it's okay Tiffany, you don't have to be embarrassed that you're not part of the group yet, that's why I want you to come to the activity with me" he began to lightly shake me as if that was a way to cheer up a person even though I wasn't embarrassed about that.

"Why do you keep calling it the "activity" and not a party?" I tried to change the subject.

"Because I don't like parties so if I say "activity" it would sound better I guess?" Jeahyun then stand up and went to the door.

"So I'll pick you up Sunday at 6pm?" he sounded a little nervous but maybe it was my imagination.

"Okay then, what kind of clothe do I have to wear since it's an "activity"?" I began to walk to the door where Jaehyun is standing.

"Semi-formal is fine, but you look beautiful in anything so there's no problem" he then pushed me out the door and when I turn around to say something he slammed the door right in my face. Like I told you he is a VERY interesting person.

Perish [ Lee Jongsuk ]Where stories live. Discover now