Perish 14-1

898 31 4

~%~%~First Day~%~%~

~%~Jongsuk POV~%~

   I woke up all snuggle up with her. I don't why I deserve this, although I love being with her, it hurts every second. I'm sick, very sick. I have Leukemia. Its a genetic thing, all men in my family had Leukemia after 40, but mine got early. That's a reason why I don't want to have kids, I don't want them to suffer like me.
The day I kind of met Tiffany was the day the doctor called me and gave me those news. That's the reason why I sold my hotel, later on the cruise ship too. The doctor gave me a month to live. I know, I shouldn't have make Tiffany part of this, but... I don't want to be alone. Don't take me wrong, I like her- scratch that I love her. She just stole my heart right from my chest. But I have no family, no friends just co-workers. They don't care about me, they just care about my money.

Caressing delicately her hair while she is still sleeping.

But Tiffany is different even after I told her that I was the owner of the hotel she kind of ignore it or she didn't care, she just liked me and not my money. She just makes me the happiest man alive with just her presence. And the kiss last night. Man, I think I saw the light, she makes me feel things I've never felt before.

I'm going to tell her soon, someway or another, but in this moment I just want to enjoy a life that a couldn't have, a life that I won't have soon anymore.

I hope she doesn't hate me after this. She can understand the situation right?

She got closer to me, wrapping her arms and legs around me, her head laying on my chest. I hugged her. I don't want to let go of her. I love her to much, to let her go but I have to, I have no choice. That's why I spoke with her boyfriend-no wait, now I'm her boyfriend- I smile at that label; her boyfriend. Okay so I spoke with her friend I think his name is Jaehyun, so I told him my condition and that I wanted to spend my last days with her.

He knew that as soon as I'm gone he'll go after her, which I'm comfortable with, I know that he will treat her well, even better that me and he came first than me, so it's fair.

I don't want to think about the future anymore, I just want to be in the moment and make her the happiest girl alive just like she makes me feel.

Perish [ Lee Jongsuk ]Where stories live. Discover now