Webs and Cars

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Twilight is owned by Stephanie Meyers, please support the official release.

Written by Nashmeira S. W.

Edited by EstrellaGrace

Be sure to check out her work. :3

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Chapter 4 ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Webs and Cars ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

"Yes, of course. I will be there shortly, Chief Swan." Carlisle released a long sigh when he hung up the phone.

Esme had been standing right beside him and wringing her hands with worry, like any good mother would for her wayward children.

"Did I hear right? Chief Swan has the children?" Carlisle only nodded. He pulled his wife into an embrace, the situation was getting out of hand and now the situation was becoming dire. From over his wife's shoulder Carlisle looked to the white couch where Jasper was still setting vigilant over a worried Alice. She was yet again trying to get a good vision of their future.

"Yes. I'm not completely sure of what happened but it seems that Chief Swan has the children in custody." He saw Jasper's jaw tighten with that implication, if they were in police custody then that would lead to a lot of uncomfortable and potentially damning questions, particularly if he had caught them in the act. But Carlisle didn't seem to think that was the case and was no doubt hoping for a peaceful solution.

The four sat in silence and were in deep thought. Carlisle wasn't seeing any good out come from the scenarios that were running through his mind.

"I GOT IT!" Carlisle, Esme and Jasper all jumped, startled by Alice's outburst.

Everyone looked to the psychic as she beamed with delight.


As a rule, Edward never wanted to do anything non-human around humans. Doing otherwise was the fastest way to draw the wrath of the Volturi. So when they had been caught by Chief Swan, after he had hit Bella with his patrol car, he and his siblings quickly learned what a deer felt like when it was caught in headlights.

They could have ran, and if Bella was any indication, they would have outrun Chief Swan easily. Although Edward wasn't sure if he was like his daughter, he was obviously in the know about his daughter's unnatural behavior.

So it was there he found himself on the couch in the Swan home, to his left was the object of his budding affection, Bella, who was slowly rousing from her drug induced sleep. He wondered what that was that her father had used to knock her out; whatever it was, it was strong. It had an almost sickly sweetness to it.

'This was not how I.... ing to end.' Charlie's thoughts had always been difficult to hear. Before, Edward had only heard his muddled thoughts in passing so until this moment, he had never had a reason to care about what the Fork's Police Chief was thinking.

Carlisle would be on his way soon, no doubt under the assumption that Rose, Emmett, and now himself were in trouble for a tame crime. He was definitely not thinking along the lines of breaking and entering, or attempted murder.

'Now let's see what the hell was .... home to this.' Charlie sighed.

'So how are we going to explain this, Eddie?' Emmett thought to me. Rosalie was thankfully quiet other than the occasional low, annoying whine.

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