I sigh. "My sensei never gave us a name, he just told us to call him... Sensei," 

Suddenly, my sister sat straight up. "And what does he look like? About how old is he?" She asked.

"Well, he has white hair,about shoulder length. Blue eyes. He wears a black and white jacket, with a hodd. Um, he has a scar by his left eye, a strange zig zagging line," I described, "I'd say he's... seventeen?"

My sister seemed to grow more rigid. "If you'll excuse me," She stood quickly. The family watched her with curious eyes. I downed my tea in a gulp, then bowed to my parents.

"May I be excused?" I asked politely. My father nods, dismissing me with a flick of his wrist. I left quickly, but pause as I hear footsteps following me. I look back, and ssee my grandmother and Mother.

"Yes?" I question politely.

My grandmother opened her mouth. "Chores,"

That one word immidiately left me hopeless. I listened, nodding dully as they gave me a long list of chores. I worked and worked, finally finish around eleven at night. I collapse on my bed, exhausted. I throw my clothes off, nodding a weary thanks to the maid who picked them up. 

I put on my night gown, breathing a sigh of relief as the maid flicks off the lights, blows out the candles, and leaves. 

And then I slept.


I woke in the morning to a maid shaking me frantically. "Your grandmother is coming," She whispered before fleeing. I threw on one of my dresses, just in time for grandmother to open the door.

I bow respectfully to her, and she nods serenely back. She hands me a list. "Groceries," She said, "Hurry up. And when you get back, we're going to work on your sowing. Then mop the floors and you're free to go,"

I nod, grabbing the list and running out the door, hair still undone. I grab the necessary groceries, glancing at the rising sun and realizing that I need to get back. I sprint back, exhaustion slowing my movements.

I arrived back at the house, dropping the groceries off by the house. Some maids helped dress me, and I sat at the table, not eating despite my grumbling stomach. Little is said, and finally I'm excused.

I hurriedly mop the floor, sprinting upstairs to grab my weapons and change into my outfit. It's only 8:52 and I've already changed outfits twice today. I slip on my jacket then lope down the hallway, trying to make as little noise as possible.

A door opens and a hand sticks out to stop me. I bow slightly to Grandmother, then wait impatiently for her to speak. Finally, she opens her mouth, splitting her wrinkled face. "I've noticed you haven't been eating," She said. I open my mouth, but no explanation comes forth.

She looks at me carefully. "Good," She said, then walked back into her quarters. The realization struck me hard. She wasn't worried that I was skipping meals, she was happy  I was. I shake my head, then hurry out the door.

I see my team already gathered, and cursed to myself. "You're late," Sensei announces. "Sprint around the field twice. Then jog one more lap. Daisuke, Shun, you do the same,"

They grumble, irritated that we were punished with running for my lateness. "Try and be on time next time, will ya?" Daisuke asked, irritated. "I hate running, get it?"

I sigh and nod. Shun offers me a quiet smile, then pulls ahead of me. I finish last, panting. "You would think you would be the fastest, seeing as you slept the most, slowpoke," Sensei mocked. He runs us through a series of stretches, then smiled at us.

"Okay! Today's the day of your first assignment, slowpokes! I expect you to but forth every ounce of your stregth and willpower to somplete the mission!" We nodded determinedly, ready to risk our lives to ensure the success of our mission.

We had to babysit kids.

I sighed as a kid tugged harshly on my hair again, but still smiled softly at him, a hint of nostlgia in my eyes. If only I could be a happy, carefree, naive child yet again. But in the future, I probably would be thinking that way about how I am now!

I scoop up the child, placing him on my hip and bouncing him slightly. Diasuke was in the corner, trying to avoid one of the other kids sticky hands, while Shun was playing with the little girl, allowing her to put a tiara on him and having a tea part with him.

"I hate kids!" Daisuke moaned, holding the seven year old boy at arms length. Shun glance up from his tea party, but the little five year old girl quickly recaptured his attention. I smiled, tickling the three year old boy in my arms. 

"Really?" I murmur gently, "I love them!"

I set the child down, fighting my heavy eyelids as I played ninja with him. We finished that mission, and the one after that, and the one after that. After a long day of missions, I always had some kind of chores to do, and I always woke up early with even more chores. 

I was late every day, always by only three to ten minute. Never quite on time. Sensei stopped punishing Daisuke and Shun for my lateness because I showed no signs of showing up on time, even after a week.

I've only eaten five times in the past seven days. I could see that I had lost a little weight, but I could barely tell. And no one else has commented on it, so it might just be my imagination...

I was currently doing sprints for being late... again. Practice and missions always seemed twice as hard for me, because I was late, and whenever anyone else asked for something to be done; watch their kid, pick up their share of trash, walk the biggest dog... I couldn't help but agree to it.

Sensei sighed as I finished my last lap. "When will you learn?" He asked, snapping his pocket watch shut. "And you've slowed down on your time! You need to learn to work harder,"

Harder? I thought, exasperated. I had so much work at home, so much work and so many punishments in practice, and I practiced in the little spare time I had! How was I supposed to work any harder?

At least Grandmother left yesterday. That means my chore load lightened a bit.

"I'm sorry," I muttered, "I'll try to do better," I promised. Turning towards the target practice, I ignored his dissapointed, worried gaze, ready to practice a new shurikan jutsu I'd learned. I walked slowly, limbs heavy from the exhaustion that seems to have settled permanently in my bones. A heavy, deeple rooted tired. 

I ignored an oncoming yawn, pulling out severaly shurikan as I approach the targets.

But suddenly, blackness overcame me, and I felt myself collapse.




Sooo. I really have nothing to say, EXCEPT


Okay, now that I have your attention...   I entered Forgotten Darkness into the Naruto Watty Awards! It is in the Gaara category. PLEASE, go vote for it!

  I also entered Remembered Light into the General Naruto category. PLEASE, go vote!!!  



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