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{This will be the last chapter of this story unless I up and out of the blue right another chapter for no reason later on this year, so I guess you could kick this book out of your library. I am closing this for two reasons, one; I have pretty much wrote all I can and two; I don't have inspiration to write anymore. So enjoy this last chapter. thank you for your reads I enjoyed writing this story. :) }

I stripped open my eyes to be faced with a complete mess.

I saw a note on the small nightstand we had, "We went out to get breakfast, Ill get you a pancake and a hashbrown. -Bonnie"

It was nice to know someone knows what I like.

I made both the beds, and put the bed back as a couch, I sat down in my pajamas watching the TV that was there.

I was watching television and was alarmed when I didn't see our names popping up everywhere.

I decided to flip the channel to SpongeBob, when the door was slung wide open.

"Yay my food!" I spoke as I sat up.

It wasn't Bonnie but it was a girl in her early teens, "Hey! My names Savannah, I have lived her for a while and figured I would stop by." She smiled.

It was nice to have someone your age around so maybe she could be another one of our friends

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It was nice to have someone your age around so maybe she could be another one of our friends.

"Elora." I stuck my hand out to shake it, she accepted and returned the shake.

Bonnie, Diego, Tao and Everly finally returned with three bags of food, was this all seriously necessary?

"Who is this?" Tao questioned setting all the drinks down.

"This is Savannah, she has lived her for a while and she thought she would drop by." I smiled.

"Good thing we bought extra food, come on in." Bonnie flashed a smile in Savannah's direction.

I got up to close the door since Everly left it wide open.

We all gathered around on the couch, Bonnie was to my left, while Savannah was to my right so she could get more comfortable around us.

Kassidy, Diego and Tao decided to take a seat on the floor.

We all were eating our breakfast, while watching SpongeBob once again.

I took a bite of my hashbrown, it was so delicious I haven't had one in so long.

It took all of us around 15 minutes to eat, and we all just sat around getting to know Savannah better.

"Well I've been here for a year, I didn't want to live with my dad so my mom just bought me a beach house and I get around five hundred a month to live on. If yall ever need clothes or need me to wash some I can." She smiled.

Everly was by the window looking out onto the beach, "You guys we should go to the beach nobody is there and it is really nice outside."

We all nodded, "Sounds good."

I got up and walked over to the drawer that was mine and pulled out a black bikini.


We were all on the beach it was warm, and the breeze made it just right.

I was laying out on a towel trying to hid my white self, seriously since the asylum, I haven't tanned at all and I needed to earn it back.

My sun was blocked.

I opened my eyes, Diego was standing over me.

"Move. I need to tan." I groaned.

"No you don't, c'mon ya bum lets go to the water." Diego pulled my arm up.

I gave in and forward was everyone in the water, throwing it at each other.

I laughed, Diego picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

I was kicked and punching the back of his stomach for him to put me down, "DIEGO!"

Everyone else was laughing, salty water made contact with my skin as I was thrown into the warm water.

I came to the surface and started laughing, I ran to Diego and pushed him down into the water.

I came to the surface and started laughing, I ran to Diego and pushed him down into the water

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I smiled at my success until I was taken down into the water with him.

I got up and stood up.

I walked over to my friends.

Bonnie splashed me for the fun of it, so we all were throwing water at each other.

Maybe we could live happily ever after.

Maybe getting out of that hell hole was a wonderful idea and it was now time to spend our lives the way we all wanted to.

It was now our time to be free.

It was now our time to be free

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