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My thoughts were running wild.

I couldn't sleep.

Something startled me.

I jolted up looking at the cell door to see Diego, he waved and smiled.

I got up sliding on my cozy slippers again, "What are you doing here?"

"Thought we could get to know each other outside?" he bounced his shoulders.

I smiled and looked down to the cemet floor.

"Sounds great." I slighly opened the door to make sure I didn't wake Imani up.

I slipped out and closed the door, "Why are we going outside again?"

"Just wanted to get to know you."

"Why?" I questioned.

Why would someone want to know me?

"Just thought I could have a friend here."

I smiled again, "Well it would be a pleasure to be your friend Diego."

He chuckled.

We sat outside on a bench.

I looked up, it was a dark blue sky with white specks scattered around.

It was beautiful, just like the person sitted beside me.

"What you wanna talk about?" I asked.

"I don't know.. Oh wait you know Tao right?"

"Yeah. why?"

"I'm pretty sure he likes your friend."

"Which one?"

"Everly i believe."

"Most people like him don't they?"

He chuckled, "No. He is more of the douche bag type."

I nodded.

"Are you?" I don't know what came over me to actually ask him that question.

He looked at me stunned.

"I'm sorry i was-"

"It's okay, but no I'm not." he flashed a goofy smile at me.

I yawned feeling tired all of a sudden.

"We should head back in."

"Yeah I'm tired."

We walked back in and he walked me to my cell before he walked off he grabbed my small wrist, "It was nice talking to you Elora."

"Please call me Lora." I giggled.

"My pleasure." With that he walked off from me and left me by my cell.

I slowly opened it and closed it lucky that it did not make a sound.

"What was that about?" Bonnie raised herself up out of her sleeping position.

"We were just talking." I shrugged.

"About what?" I could feel Bonnie's smirk radiating off of her voice.

"Just things." I smiled reflecting back on our whole conversation.

I slipped off my slippers and slid under my cold snowflake blanket.

Today was a good day.


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