Date ~~ Chapter Nineteen

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"How are you and Tristen?" I asked Emerson sitting in her recliner with a throw blanket.

"He's great, were good." She says.

"Can he kiss you without feeding off your aura?" I asked.

"We haven't really kissed since the skating rink." She says awkwardly and I nodded. "He is really sweet though and charming. He has a side to him, I never seen before. I don't think he's kissed me because of what happened with Maria."

I smiled. "That is good to hear." I said closing my eyes.

"Who are you taking with you Downtown?" Cassie asked.

"I don't want to bring anyone with me. I am not bringing anyone in danger." I said.

"Oh yes you are! We are stronger together." Emerson said.

"I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you guys." I whispered.

"I'll go." Both Cassie and Emerson said. I shook my head.

"Can we talk about this in the morning?" I asked and they let me fall asleep.

In the morning Emerson was spreading butter on a bagel. "You have to bring one of us." Cassie says. I sigh.

"I can't bring myself to ask one of you to come with me, you guys decide amongst yourself." I said.

"More than one of us can go." Cassie says.

I shook my head. "You all decide and ask Loral." I said. "I really just want to see Silas."

"You and Silas are getting really close." Emerson says. I nodded. "You happy?" She asks.

"Of course." I say shoving rest of my bagel in mouth. I got up getting my stuff together. "He is over protective to the point it can be quite annoying, but I love him. Why you ask?" I said throwing my bag over my shoulder.

"Curiosity." She says.

"Curiosity can be dangerous." Cassie says.

"No one asked you." Emerson says and Cassie laughs shaking her head.

The doorbell rang and I hugged both of them goodbye. I opened the door seeing Silas and smiled. He picked me up and flew off. I hung on him tightly. For the first time flying, I opened my eyes. The skies were a bright blue and the mist clung on my cheeks and hair. The wind stung my eyes making them hard to open, but I saw the top of buildings and trees.

He started to fall down to land and I closed my eyes. He carried me inside again and too the apartment. I sat down on his bed and he sat next to me. He pulled my hair back and dragged his lips across my neck. I squeaked and he kissed one spot like I did to him.

"What are you doing?" I mumbled. He pulled away and hovered his lips over mine. "You're cruel." I said quietly. He chuckled and kissed my nose. I giggled. I looked around his room and he had a gold chain hanging off his bed frame. I reached over pulling it off. It had a big gold pedant with a blue flower and heart design etched into it. At the bottom of the pedant was the names, "Penelope, my heart, body, and darkened soul will forever be yours."

"What is this?" I asked. The locket was cold in my hand. I looked up at Silas. His expression was unreadable. There was a latch at the side of the pedant and I opened it. There was a girl with long wavy fiery red hair. She was smiling and blushing. Her top was long sleeve and all black lace. Silas was in the other side wearing a black tux with a black tie with red decoration. I felt a pang in my chest.

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