Cold Ice~~ Chapter Fifteen

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I stood in my driveway. I've never been so nervous before. I twisted four little pebbles in the air to reduce my anxiety. A week passed since Silas came back. There are only two weeks left of school. I'm dressed in black tights, a blue skirt with off white birds, and an off white tank with a sketch of a tree. I held a brown knit sweater in my other hand swinging it back and forth. I pulled my hair into a side fishtail braid. I was worried at being too casual or fancy.

Silas asked me out on a date. We are going out to eat and after were invited by friends to go ice skating so we were going to do that too. Silas and I have never been on an official date, but we have hanged out. I have no reason to be nervous, but I am. I dropped the pebbles when I saw Silas's car driving down my road.

I twist my necklace of a bat around my neck. It was on a thin brown cord and the bat was stone black. My friends had matching necklaces, but different animals. Silas pulled into my drive way and I got in. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"You look nice." Silas says.

"Thanks. I try." I said. I closed the car door and he pulled out. "Where are we going?" I asked.


"You said that the last ten times." I grumbled and he chuckles.

When we head further into town he reached over brushing my arm. I looked from the window too him. "What are you so anxious about?" He asks.

"Just stuff, exams..." I said quietly.

"You're going to do fine on your exams, you've been studying hard." Silas says. I sighed.

"This is our first date..." I said.

"I guess it is." He says and chuckles. "Is that what your nervous about?" I don't say anything and just stare at my linked fingers. He reaches over laying his hand on top of mine. I smiled and grabbed his right hand. We don't say anything for rest of the drive.

He ends up pulling into Olive Garden. We both got out of the car and walked inside. A hostess led us to a table in the back and we sat down. "You really look beautiful tonight." Silas says.

I blushed, not really knowing how to respond. "Thank you, you look nice too." I eventually responded. We both smiled. I felt so awkward, and I usually am not around him. "Have you caught up on school from the two weeks you were gone?" I asked.

"Yeah, I feel pretty good about the exams." He says.

"That's good." I said. "Water bend." I said. I pointed at his drink. I lifted a strand of Dr. Pepper from the cup and twisted it in the air. Silas eyes followed the water and I giggled. I dropped the liquid back in the cup.

"Your good." He says.

"I've been practicing, but it is pretty easy." I admitted.

"Just be careful, this kind of magic can be dangerous." He warns.

"You said that for the thousandth time." I say softly.

"I'm just worried about you." He says quietly.

You weren't that worried when you left me. "I know." I said and picked at my hands.

I'm still upset about him leaving and we both know that. Loral really dislikes him and hasn't said the nicest things. Emerson is frustrated. Cassie doesn't know what to say. Brayden kind of is on Silas's side, but doesn't say anything cause of Loral. He told me the probably just had "some shit" going on and needed a break. If he needed a break from me, he should have told me. What scares me is the thought passed my mind that if I never found him he would have never come back.

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