I'm Queen of the Playground ~ Chapter 9

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Silas leaned across his desk to whisper to me while the teacher was lecturing. "My friends are coming into town tonight; could they join the little picnic?" He asked.

I sunk into my seat and bent back to look at him. He smiled down at me. "I guess as long as they bring food. What are you planning to bring?"

"I don't know yet." He moved his hand from his crossed arms and hesitated. He then slowly dragged his fingers crossed my forehead moving strands away. I giggled and Silas chuckled. I sat up and continued with class. I kept a small smile through rest of class. It's funny to think that a week ago, I wanted nothing to do with Silas.

During lunch, we sat next to each other. I suffered through eyebrow wiggles, them whispering Quilas, and other antagonizing things. I pegged all of them in the heads with my rotten grapes. I have pretty good aim. I stopped at the grocery store when I got home and bought stuff to make cookies.

My brother came in taking a cookie off a cooling and shoved the whole thing in his mouth. "Hot! Hot!" He runs holding his hands over his mouth, but managed to spit cookie everywhere anyways. He bounced on his feet.

I giggled. "Those are hot." I said pulling another batch from the oven.

"Yeah, I notice." He says swallowing the hot cookie. "What are these for?"

"I'm having a picnic with my friends at the park. I made you some cookies they are over there." I said pointing with my chin at the plate filled with a dozen cookies.

"You are so weird. No one has picnics anymore." He grabs the cookies and takes them up to his room. Your welcome you ungrateful donkey. I thought to myself. I packed the cookies and headed to the park. I saw Loral and Brayden sitting at a table. They were making out.

I coughed loudly walking up and they didn't stop. I dropped the plate of cookies next to Loral. I coughed loudly to get their attention and they didn't move. I sighed fusterated and sat down. Loral giggled, separating from Brayden. Cassie came up sitting next to me startling me. She giggles setting a bag of chips on the table. Emerson set down a small cooler.

Brayden took one of my cookies. "Cookies are good, Quin." He says around a mouthful.

"Thanks." I said.

Emerson reached forward and grabbed a slice of quesadilla. "When is Silas coming?" She asked and I shrugged. After a while when half my cookies were gone I took out my phone to text Silas.

"Hey cutie." A male voice purred next to me. I looked over and saw a boy with a big grin had his arm around Cassie. Cassie gave off a loud awkward squeak. I heard the same sizzling sound as when Silas got burned at the water fall. The boy jumped off the bench. "Oh! OH! Fuck! FUCK!" The boy said looking at his arm. Silas was coming from the parking lot laughing.

"I told you so." He said.

"You are such an idiot." A small petite girl says. She had dark olive skin and thick long wavy hair. A guy walked next to her who was a few inches shorter than Silas. He looked older though, maybe nineteen or eighteen. Silas set down a bowl of fruit and salad. The girl set down a tower of paper plates; the guy set down Oreos.

"Who are you?" Emerson said looking around confused.

"I told Silas he could bring some of his friends. Sorry I forgot to tell you guys."

"Its fine, we got more food now." Loral says.

"Who are you though?" Emerson says.

"What are you." Cassie asks.

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