Timeset Coven~ Chapter Six

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Silas shakes his head. "There is this coven of witches, they are very powerful, and feared by many. They created the werewolves and the vampires. Originally they were two separate covens Moonset and Sunset. They merged together into the Timeset coven. Two years ago the Timeset coven wanted to create a new species. All witches were at war with the fairies. The werewolves and vampires are becoming a major problem as well. They are too over populated, killing too many humans, and some groups try to challenge the witches." Silas says.

"The Timeset coven went to eleven other covens grabbing both a girl and a boy from each coven. Most covens were happy to please the Timeset coven. Others had to be threatened with elimination. They would slaughter the entire coven if they didn't give up two teenagers. My coven, the Serenity didn't want to give up two from our coven. We were small and our power wasn't very strong. It was easy for the Timeset coven to overpower my coven and take us." Silas says.

I stared at my hands listening to his surprisingly calm voice. "Did they kill everyone?"

"No, not that day at least. They took me and Paisley. They forced us onto a plane and flew us to the location of the Timeset coven. It was a week of purification. We could only eat certain foods. We only bathed in certain herbs. We had to perform certain spells in a language we didn't understand. We were kept in jail cells. I was with Paisley, Dominik, Penelope, Damien, and Maria." Silas says.

"We were kept in cells because they didn't trust us. There were two that had to go through purification from the Timeset coven though. Jett and Elisabeth, they slept in their own warm, comfortable rooms. There were twenty-four of us in all. In the end of the week every day they would take both a girl and a guy and put them through the ritual of the transformation." Silas says.

"Each day we could hear the screaming and chanting down the hall. I was taken on the fifth day. They forced me in the middle of a dark room lit only with candles, with a strange symbol in the middle of the floor. They chained me so I could either kneel or stand. They took a gold ritual knife and cut slits into my back." Silas says.

"Six of them stood around me in robes, three wore black and the others wore white. Two of them came up with a paint and wrote symbols on my arms. The paint burned, the pain was horrendous. When they started chanting I didn't know what they were doing. I just remember pain spreading through my chest. I know now that they were putting both a cursing and blessing my soul, aura, or charka whatever you call it." Silas says.

"They then took a gold knife and drove it through my heart. A few talked to the dead or had flash backs to the pasts. I like most didn't see anything. I woke up to extreme pain in my back. The sound of breaking bones and tearing of skin filled the room. My wings grew from my back in only a half hour. They grew feathers in a couple minutes." Silas says.

"Twelve died in the transformation and only twelve survive. The ones that survived were called mortem. They kept us for an entire year before we escape. Some guess that we are half demon and half angel." Silas says.

"Did Paisley survive?" I asked. Silas shook his head. "I'm sorry." I said. I didn't know what else to say. I looked up at Silas and he was looking out at the waterfall. I know why he wanted to come here. I scooted closer to him. I set my hand over his.

Silas looked over at me, his expression was unrecognizable. "There is rumored that they are looking for new female witches with a strong aura. That is why I'm protective of you guys. I don't want them to ruin more people's lives"

"Why are you so interested in me? Why not Cassie or Emerson?" I whispered.

"Because your different, you have this fight in you. Your aura is also the boldest and the biggest of all your friends. Its barely noticeable, but it's enough." He whispers back.

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