Elements~~ Chapter Thirteen

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Silas didn't show up for school the rest of the week. I kept turning around in English expecting him to be there. He never was. I ate lunch in my car or in the parking lot side walk alone. Eliot asked me about Silas, if I knew where he was. Apparently no one knew where Silas was. The second day of eating lunch alone my friends came out to eat with me. Even their laughter, jokes, and shenanigans could not cheer me up. I felt dislocated from everyone and the world.

During the weekend I took as many babysitting jobs and yard work jobs I could. On a good weekend I could make two hundred dollars. It's not a real job, I should have one being seventeen and all. I enjoy this more and it's more fun for me. It pays well, enough for me. Not for college though.

I was playing monopoly with two adorable blonde boys. One was only five and the other was seven. There was a knock on the door. I stood up confused, it was about eight at night. I told the boys to stay. I have to put the boys to bed in a half hour anyways. I answered the door, a breeze brushed against my cheeks. No one was there. I looked around and then at the door mat. There sat a white rose with a small slip of white paper. I picked up the paper. "Jett" was scrawled against it. I gritted my teeth and shoved the paper in my pocket.

"Leave me alone, I don't need your mockery!" I whispered yelled in the dark. I slammed the door shut and put it on the dining room table so the boys wouldn't see it.

"Who was there babysitter?" The five-year-old asked.

"I think the bird just hit the door or something. No one was there." I said sitting down. It was another one of my lame excuses. They bought it though, they are young.

"Or it could be people knocking on the door and leaving..." The seven-year-old told a story that did not make much sense. I nodded and smile. Finally, I put them to bed, they went to sleep easily tonight. I went to the dining room table and picked up the rose. I broke the stem off and threw it in the trash. I held the flower in my hand. I picked the petals off one by one throwing them in the trash. By the time I was done there were was a nice white coat of petals over everything.

I sat on the couch and read the books on auras. I would do anything to distract myself about Silas. When the parents came home they paid me seventy-five dollars for eight hours. I didn't tell anyone about the rose. I would tell Silas, but he isn't here. I went straight to bed. It was two in the morning.

The rest of the weekend I did yard work in the day and babysitting at night. I was happy people wanted stuff done. It was another distraction from him. Jett although left rosses where ever I went. He left them on top of lawn mowers, my door step, other people's door steps, in flower beds, on sidewalks, and even once in my bag. Frustrated they piled on my desk for me to deal with them later. They dried up slowly with no water, but left a pretty smell in my room. Sunday night I found a book on my door step with another white mocking rose.

I sighed and took the book to my bed room throwing the rose on my desk with the nineteen other ones. The book didn't have real binding. It was paper bounded together with string. The cover is covered in symbols, I recognized them from reading, fire, water, earth, and air. It was titled Elementum. I opened the book and started reading flipping through pages. The spells were like from TV shows, movies, and books. I could not contain my excitement, smiling widely, and bouncing on my bed. I didn't know this magic existed. I've learned quickly anything is possible.

There was a sticky note in the introduction. "A gift from me. Nothing to do with the Timeset coven, so you don't have to use if you don't want to. Share with your friends." Jett wrote. I sighed. I know something bad could happen, its Jett, but honestly I don't care anymore.

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