She smiled, giving in “Fine, but only because I’m going to have to see a lot of you.”

I cracked a smile, deciding to push it “You can bet on it sis!”

She rolled her eyes, but didn’t smile this time. “Okay, I can’t take it anymore. I’m just going to cut to the chase.” she began “Why do we have the same last name?” she asked.

I shrugged and took a bite of my olive pizza “Dunno…Jackson’s a really common name though. Although, I’ll admit that us having the same Dad is kind of creepy.”

“And us being the same age…” she added with a slight laugh.

I swallowed my pizza “And us looking exactly alike…”

She looked up at me with a thoughtful expression “No, not possible…right?”

“No…I think?” but it came out sounding like a question.

Her eyes widened slightly, and I’m pretty sure mine did too as we began thinking the same thing “No.” she concluded with a defiant nod. I nodded, though we both knew this thought was far from being dismissed.


Three days after we got to camp Annabeth, Diana, and I all decided it would be best to get back to school. Chiron used the Mist on the school board and students who had been in gym with us. He had somehow managed to make it seem like an electricity malfunction.

But even with his help, we still got a lot of weird glances from everyone. Some people were even pointing and whispering in the hallways. Annabeth seemed slightly bothered by this, but Diana didn’t even seem to notice. But knowing her, I figured she could just care less.

After school that day Annabeth decided to come over and hang out at my house. I tried to get Diana to come too, but she claimed she had ‘important things to do.’ Me and Annabeth were sitting on the couch talking, and Paul was in the kitchen. Mom was still out at the store.

I could hear the phone ringing in the kitchen and then Paul’s chair sliding across the floor. I could hear him from where I was sitting. “Hello?” he said to the other person “Who is this?…Percy?…I’m sorry who did you say you were again?…Jackson?…Hold on please.” I could hear Paul’s footsteps exiting the kitchen “Percy, do you know a ‘Diana Jackson?’” he asked.

I glanced at Annabeth “Yea, hold on.” I said getting up. I took the phone from Paul who went back into the kitchen “Diana, why the Hades are you using a phone?” I asked.

I could hear her laugh a little on the other end “I ran out of drachmas. Is there anyone around that shouldn’t know about the whole ‘half blood’ thing?” she asked.

“No…” I replied.

“Are you near a water faucet, or a fountain, or something?” she asked.

I gestured for Annabeth to follow me into the kitchen “Yea, I’m near my kitchen faucet.” I told her, I saw Paul give me a weird glance. “Why?” I asked.

“Just turn it on and step back Seaweed Brain.”

“Diana-” but she cut me off.

“Now. Do it, go on…I don’t hear water running!”

I rolled my eyes and turned on the faucet, I heard the click of Diana hanging up. I turned to Annabeth and dragged her back a step, she gave me a weird look. “Diana’s evil mind has yet another plan.” I told her, and she seemed to understand.

“Wait…you don’t think she can water-” but Annabeth’s sentence was cut short by the faucet starting to vibrate.

Paul looked over, a little startled and said “Percy?” I knew he wanted to know what was going on, but he got his answer as the water started pouring out faster and faster. Suddenly though, it shot into the air. But as it did, it changed from water into a shocked Diana. Her aim was off though, and she ended up materializing just as she banged up against the wall.

“WHAT THE-flower!?” she yelled.

“Nice choice of words you got there.” Annabeth commented, laughing.


Merci <3

Alrighty then! Okeeeeyyyyy so yea...ummm its been a while hasn't it?!?!?! I'm sorry for tht...but I'M BACK!!!!!!!! AND GUESS WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!!?! KEEP UR EYES PEELED FOR MY NEW SERIES "The Hunter Chronicles" OMQ!!! I'm not exactly sure when it will be coming out, but I'll give you all more information when I get closer to releasing it! It isn't a fanfiction though this time, it's compleatly origional and I own EVERYTHING in it.....unlike this story...rights to this go to Rick Riordan (The Myth Master)

And dedication goes to my two Language Arts teachers!! You two are amazing!! I dedicate this to you two because of how you manage to take a dull and boring school day, and turn it into laughs and humor! And of course, for teaching me more of what I need to know in order to improve! U ROCK!!!

Special shoutout: I want to give a special shout out to both of my grandpa's, even though you will most likely never read this. And even though I've never met you two, or talked to you two, I still care :) We were given an assighnment in lang. arts the other day. We had to choose a family membor to write a letter to, thanking them for something. But not an object. My friend wrote to her dad who lives in Florida. He's never been around and she hardly ever hears from him. This reminded me of you two so much, and it made me really start thinking. I know what it's like to loose a parent, so to have never met one of made me want to cry. And then I began thinking about you two. I remebered one of your birthdays, and how my mom gave me a card to sign. But I never did...and now I'm sorry. I'm not sure if I'm ready to pick up the phone and call, I don't trust myself to not cry. But I do care...and I am thinking of you two. Maybe one day though, I'll be able to get to know you two. I love you.



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