Chapter 11

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"What is it,Daddy?" I ask. He looks around at all of us and then says, "I'm not sure if you know but I was on a two week long business trip for a company in Rome. They apparently liked what I did because they gave me four rooms two take whom ever I want to Rome to see whatever we would like for a full week. We don't have to pay for anything" We all nodded, "So, since all of you seem to get along so well, I was wondering if you would like to go to Rome?" We all shot up and started cheering. My dad chuckled and got us to quiet down. "Alright, go and ask your parents if its okay and if so pack and meet back here. Y'all can stay here tonight, we are leaving tomorrow morning." We all nodded and Maddox, Rachael, and Quinn all left to ask their parents. 

Ten minutes later I got a text from Rachael saying she could go. Twenty minutes after that Maddox texted me saying that him and Quinn were packing now. I texted him back saying to remember to come back to my place after and that I love him. I started packing. I didn't pack my normal skinny jeans and dark shirts. I packed booty shorts and tank tops, still mostly merch. Once I finished packing, I walked down to Nixon's room to see him covered in clothes trying to remember how to fold clothes. 

I laugh while walking up to him, "Need some help with that, bro?" "Please?" I nod and take all the clothes and signal for him to move so I can fold his clothes. While, I was folding there was a knock on the front door. "Nixon, can you get that please?" "Sure thing." Then I heard a loud squeal. I got confused and walked down stairs. I looked at the front door and saw a curvy girl with long brown hair, her hair had a slight redish tint to it. 

Then I realized who it is. "Gray?" She, then looked up at me and smiled, "Hey, Velcee, how you been?" "Great since lately. How about you?" "It sucked at that boarding school, I'm so glad to be home." I nodded and smiled at her. Then my dad saw her, "Hey Gray, I over heard the conversation while packing and I'm sorry to hear about the boarding school. But, I'm happy that you're glad to be home. But, would you like to away from home for a little longer?" Gray gave my dad a questioning look and my dad continued, "I'm taking Velcee, Nixon and a few of Velcee's friends to Rome for a little while, would you like to come too?" Gray's face lit up at that. 

"That would be awesome." My dad gave her all the information and told her to do the exact same as my friends are doing. She nodded, left, then came back within 30 minutes. I finished packing and put all the bags in my room. Once I did that everyone started to show up to my house. I told everyone to take their bags up to my room. Once everyone was at my house and their bags were in my room, Rachael asked, "Hey, who are you?" Looking at Gray. 

"Hi, I'm Gray Marble, I'm a good friend of Velcee and Nixie." "Yeah about you being good friends with my brother, I was wondering if you still have a thing for him or not? If so good because from how he's looking at you right now I'm positive he'd take you back in an instant." Gray blushed and everyone except Nixie, who is still watching Gray, gave me a questioning look. "Before Nixie and Gray left they were a thing, but Gray went off to boarding school so she left Nixie until she came back. And, now that she's back I want to know if there's a chance of them getting back together." Everyone smiled and nodded. Gray, then, said, while giving Nixon a hopeful look, "Well if he'd be willing to give me another chance I don't see why not." Nixon's face gained a ginormous smile before picking Gray up and spinning her around, "Of course!" I leaned into Maddox and just watched, then giggled and said, "Hey who wants dinner?" 

Everyone cheered and I started walking and Gray and Rachael followed. I turned around and looked at the boys and said, "Oh, and boys, while we're cooking dinner for you can you get a pallet ready so we can hang out and maybe watch movies after dinner? Nixie you know where everything is at, and so do you Mads, so just show Quinny and set everything up please?" I say in an evilly innocent tone. They all nodded quickly and ran off. Gray, Rachael and I walked into the kitchen and made burgers and homemade french fries. I called in Nixon to extend the table. After about 30 minutes we put all the food on the plates and carried them to the table. We all ate and chatted and laughed. 

Then, Gray asked Nixon something I didn't even think about., "Hey, Nixie, do you want to see if you can still play or not?" Nixon broke out in a wide smile, "Sure, Pebbles, I'll try it."Gray groaned and glared at Nixon, "Nixon, you know I hate that name." she growled out. I grinned and said, "Well let's go. Come on, Pebbles." She rolled her eyes and chuckled, "Fine whatever." We all went upstairs to the music room. Nixon walked over to the grand piano and started playing Beethoven. 

He played it perfectly. When he finished Gray looked at me and said, "And what have you been working on?" I smiled and took them down the hall to my special room. I smiled and open the door. The walls were black with purple designs and trim and I walked over to a desk. I opened the drawer and pulled out a bunch of painted canvases and they had all the spirits I've contracted with. And then pulled out other papers. These papers are to describe them and how I came in contact with them. Gray smiled and said,"You've become so powerful." And got a ginormous smile on her face.

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