Chapter 9

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Vel POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up to a weight pressing down on my chest and banging on my front door I look down and see Mads sleeping on my chest. I slowly turn to roll him onto a pillow so I could go and check the front door. I open the door to find nothing. Then, I hear a loud bang come from upstairs. OH MY GOD!!!!!! IS MADS OKAY?!??!? I thought to myself. I ran back up the stairs to see. I walk into my room seeing an obake's soul in front of my bed and Mads sitting curled up at the top of bed staring at it with a ghostly pale, terrified face. 

Of course, since it's the only soul it can do whatever it wants with it's abilities. Mostly feeding off of Mads fear probably. "Leave!" I yelled at the obake. It turned and gave me a mischievous grin, probably trying to use it's abilities on me. But, since it is a soul it doesn't work on me. I summoned my very own elven king soul that I contracted with him a few years ago. "Thansathion, can you help me out with that obake." 

"Yes, ma'am." All I saw was Thansathion draw his sword from its sheath and drive it at the obake. Then, with a flash of bright light the obake was gone. I turned to Thansathion and say, "Thank you so much, Thansathion." "Not a problem Velcee." I smile at Thansathion before sending him back to the land of the dead. I walk over to the bed where Mads was still sitting curled up. But, now, his face was buried into his knees. 

I wrap my arms around him and he jumps away from me. "Hey, Mads, it's me, Velicitee. It's okay. What you saw was only an illusion." He looked up at me and had tears rolling down his face, "I-I-It was my d-d-dad." "No it wasn't Mads I promise. It was only an illusion created by a shapeshifter." He nods and crawls over to me leaning against me, crying. I sat there soothing him the entire time. After about 30 minutes he was done crying. 

I lift up his face. I wipe under his eyes with my thumbs and say, "I'm sorry you had to deal with that. Since it's getting close to my birthday I should have known that my mom or brother would be sending evil souls after me to swing me to the dark." "It's okay, it's not your fault." "Okay. Do you want me to go make breakfast." "Can I get some new clothes first." "Yeah, sure." I went to get up to go get some new clothes for Maddox, when he grabbed my hand. 

"Can I come with you, please? I don't want me be alone right now." "Yeah, of course. Come on." I tightened my hand around his comfortingly and gently pulled him down to Nixon's old room. I took him into it, and told him to look in the closet. 5 minutes after I sent him to the closet, he changed and all in that time. I took him back to my room and said, sarcastically, "Would you like to come with me while I change too?" "Is that a rhetorical question or do I actually have a choice?" 

I rolled my eyes, and waved my hand, gesturing for him to follow me. I went to my closet, I pulled out a pair of ripped black skinny jeans, and a Green Day t-shirt. I grabbed Maddox's hand and rubbed my thumb over his knuckles. "I'll be right back." I said to him, letting go of his hand and going into my bathroom to get changed. I changed and walked back out to see that Maddox hasn't moved from where he was standing. "Okay. I have a few more things to do to get ready, but you can come with me for this if you want." I walked down stairs with Mads right on my heels. "Okay. What do you want for breakfast?" I ask Mads. 

"Waffles?" "Okay come on. I have the stuff to make them homemade." "Really?!?!" He asked, sounding hyper like a little child. I giggled and said, "Yeah." We got to the kitchen and I pulled out all of the stuff to make the waffles. I started to make the batter and put it into the waffle iron. After about 3 minutes i take the waffle off. 

I repeated this a few more 3 more times so we each have two waffles. I got some yogurt, juice, fruit, and maple syrup. I took the plates to the table and gave him a plate and a cup of juice. I sat down and started to eat my food. We ate in silence until we finished our breakfasts. I took the dishes into the kitchen and washed them quickly and went back to the dining room to see that Maddox hadn't moved from his seat. I was staring down at the floor. 

I walked over and kneeled down so I was in his eye sight. He stared at me but still wasn't responsive. I place my hand on his knee and he jumps 3 feet in the air. If I wasn't so worried about him I would have laughed so hard. "What's wrong?" I asked Maddox. "Seeing that thing earlier has me a little out of it." He said. "Oh. I'm sorry that I dragged you into this mess. I really didn't mean to get you involved. If I would've known that they would've sent them this earlier then I never would have asked you to come inside, and you wouldn't have had to tell..." I started with my head towards the ground. 

"I don't regret anything, Vel." He said, cutting me off. I looked up at him and grabbed his hand. He stood up pulling me with him. He wrapped his arm around my waist and leaned down and gently kissed me. Then, as if we can have a nice, calm moment, There was a banging on the door. For the second time that day. I pulled away from the kiss, and took Maddox's hand pulling him to the door. I opened it to see a tall boy, that I instantly recognized, smiling his gentle smile at me. "N-N-Nixon"

An obake is a shapeshifter from Japanese mythology

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