Chapter 1-First Day

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 That's Velicitee above!

Velicitee POV:

 I finally made it here, Magic High! I wonder how long I'll last at this school before I will have to transfer again. Well, I'm not going to worry about that right now. I thought as I stared up at the large castle like building. It was a gorgeous building. But, it also looked ancient with all of the stone gargoyles and high archways. I started to walk up to the high school that looked like an ancient building.  I started getting nervous, I started playing with the ring on my right middle finger. 

I wasn't paying attention and ran into a guy, I'm guessing he's another student. "Oh. I'm sorry, I guess I zoned out. Sorry again." I said about to walk away, but then he grabs my arm and says, "Hey, you must be new here. I'm Quinn.  Welcome to Magic High. Do you want me to show you around?" "Uhm... Please? I have to know idea where anything is here." "Alright then let's go. Do you have your schedule?" "No... Do we have to tell them our magic type?" Please say no I thought to myself. 

Then Quinn said something I really didn't want to hear "Of course! They need to know your magic so they know what magic classes to put you in." "Oh..." Crap, I guess I'm going to be transferring earlier than I normally do. Quinn walked me to the office. I walked into the office, and up to the front desk. "Hi, I'm a new student and I was wondering if I could get my schedule and stuff?" "Oh, of course, dear." The lady at the front desk answered with a wide, almost fake looking, smile. 

"First I need to know what type of magic you specialize in?" I instantly got terrified, I started playing with my ring and said in a small almost un-audible voice "Necromancy." I looked at her through my eyelashes from where I was looking at my black and white converse. She gave me a confused look and said "May you, please, repeat that a little louder please, darling?" I look up at her with a terrified look and said louder, this time, "I specialize in fire magic... and necromancy..." She gave me a shocked, somewhat scared look and said, "Follow me, please." 

I did as she said and walked around the desk as she stood up and she walked me back to the back of the office, and to a door that said 'Principal Williams'. She knocked on the door and we heard a feminine voice say "You can come on in." We walked in and the secretary, that I  have yet to find out the name of, says "We have a new student that's a little... different than all the rest." Principal Williams looked up from whatever she was doing on her desk, with a curious look on her face "What do you mean by "different"?" That's when I stepped into the conversation, "I specialize in fire magic and necromancy". Principal Williams looked at me with a slightly shocked but mostly calm face. "Do you wear an item to block out your dark desires?" 

I nodded holding up my right hand. She nodded and told the secretary, that looked a lot calmer now, to go ahead and make my schedule. I was shocked, I never had a school take me after finding out I specialized in necromancy. The secretary motioned for me to follow her to her desk at the front of the office. I got back to where I was originally standing when she started typing something on her computer. A few minutes later, she handed me a schedule and some other stuff, that I didn't bother to look at. 

I walked out of office, to see that Quinn was still waiting for me. "Wow. I figured you would have left by now." "I told you I would show you around, and I don't break my promises." "Alright." "Now let me see your schedule, so I know where to take you to." I slowly handed him my schedule.

 He took it and look at it and said "Oh. So, you're a necromancer, huh?" "yeah..." I said shyly. "That's cool. My friend, Rachael, is a necro too." Wow. There are other necromancers in this school. I thought to myself. "And, you're a pyro?" 

"Yeah." "My step-brother, Maddox, is a pyro." He said as he started showing me to my first class, come to find out I had it with his friend, Rachael. "Who are you?" Rachael asked me in a tone I couldn't place. "I'm Velicitee, it's nice to meet you, Rachael," I said with a straight face. 

"You know, I also use elenchus. So, I can tell you're lying." "Oh. Sorry, I'm just kinda shocked to meet another necro." Rachael and I hung out and talked a lot more. And, come to find out we had all but one class together. Which ended up being our last class.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (TIME SKIP)

It was now lunch time, and Rachael and I were looking around for Quinn. We finally found him walking into the lunchroom. There was a guy that walked in behind him, just making little flames looking like he was trying to entertain himself. He was really attractive. I turned to Rachael and said, "Who's that that walked in behind Quinn?" Rachael turned and smirked at me and replied with "That's Maddox, Quinn's step-brother." I couldn't help but turn back and stare at Maddox. 

Rachael looked at me and said, "I wouldn't even try, he doesn't talk to anyone. Not even Quinn." And at that point, I wanted to go up to him and try and talk to him. So, that's exactly what I did. I walked up to him and said. "Hi, I'm Velicitee. What's up?" Maddox slightly looked at me through his hair. "Hi. I'm Maddox. Not wanting to be here." 

"You wanna come hang with me and my friends?" "Aren't you friends with Quinn?" "Yeah?" "I don't really hang out with him." "Please?" Maddox sighed exasperatedly and said, "Fine." I gave him a wide smile and he gave me a small smile back. 

I walked back over to Rachael, and said, "Seemed pretty easy to get him to talk to me." She stared at me with wide eyes and said "He talked to you?" I just nodded. Maddox and Quinn came and sat down. Maddox and I talked and found out we had our last class together. The rest of the day went pretty normal to me. Maddox and I talked a lot and so did Quinn, Rachael and I.


Hope you enjoyed!

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