Chapter 7: This Cannot Happen Again!

Start from the beginning

"Emma?" Joey knocks on Sarah's door.

"Not now." Joey nods and closes the door behind her.

I notice that the clock says 7 am. How long was I asleep with Jason.

I look at Sarah.


I lay my head down with her and we both fall asleep.

I think about Jason and how I spent the night with him. 

Jack told me not to trust him. And I still can't.

Jason may be my mate, even though I don't want him to be, but he is still a criminal. He could be a murderer. I can't expose Sarah to that life.

I can't go back to him.


"Mommy. Mommy wake up!" Sarah shakes me.

"Ugh. I don't wanna!" I roll over throwing the pillow over my head.

"Come on Momma. Jamie is making us pancakes!"

I turn back around.

"I'll be down in a bit. I gotta shower."

Jamie makes delicious pancakes.

"Hurry up, momma. Or else Jacob is gonna eat all the pancakes."

I laugh, "Don't worry. I'll be there."

Sarah smiles at me and runs downstairs.

I get up and go into my bathroom to shower.

When I finish, I walk back into my room and head towards my closet. I feel eyes on me. But nothing seems out of place as I look around.

My door is closed and everyone is downstairs eating breakfast. There's no one in here.

But I still feel like I'm being watched. I glance by the glass door of my balcony. I double back when I see eyes coming from the forest.

I slowly creep to the window. I look into the forest and see him staring at me.


He followed me back home. But why didn't Michael or Jacob see him?

I can't move away. He's just sitting there looking back at me. 

I feel my shoulders relax as I stare deep into his eyes. How does he do it?

I snap out of this trance when I feel something wet hitting my nose. It's water. Coming from my hair?

I look down. Oh My God! I pull away from the door and hide behind the wall.

"Shit!" I'm still in my towel.

My face is heating up.

After a few seconds, I slowly exhale. I take a peek back out the window of my door. Thankfully I had curtains put up that way he wouldn't see me. But I left them open halfway which allowed my entire figure to be seen through the glass doors. 

I look to where he was, but he's gone.

I let out a sigh of relief. Yet a small part of me was a little disappointed that he left. 

I felt lust coursing through me as I stared into Jason's eyes and thought about our first night together under the full moon.

Wait! NO!

Snap out of it Emma!

You cannot think about this man!

It cannot happen again!

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