Chapter 15-- The First Day of the Rest of Her Life

Start from the beginning

“So, what do we have this morning?”

“Um,” Gabby regarded her plate and tray. “Some bread thing, looks like some fruit—grapes and, um, not sure what that one is, but I like it—with some cheeses.”

“I wouldn’t mind trying some mystery fruit.”

They went on like this for a while, talking quietly about the food in front of them. Will even managed to get a smile from her when he spit out the cheese. Nasty stuff imported from France. He was sure of it. Only French people could pass something like that off as food and have the rest of the world believe it.

When Isabella eventually arrived, she was pale and it looked as though she’d hardly slept.

Acantha snorted derisively, “Where have you been? You look as though you wandered the woods all night.”

Isabella bit back words that she might regret before turning to Gabriella, “Your Highness, I apologize for my tardiness. I was stopped by a message that your father wishes to speak to you at once.”

“Before my lessons?” Gabby could feel herself slowly turning a shade of green alarmingly similar to Will’s.

“Yes.” Isabella was very quiet.

Stunned, Gabby couldn’t move for a moment. King Daddy never let her skip lessons. In fact, he would be livid when he knew about yesterday. She looked over at Acantha with a sharp eye. Had she already told him?

Unaware, or feigning ignorance of Gabby’s stare, Acantha stitched on.

Maybe she had told him. After all, what else would she have done with her day? One could only flirt with the palace guards for so long.  Yes, she thought. That must be it. Daddy is going to lecture me about lessons again.

As she got to her feet, she felt like a marionette and someone else was controlling her movements. Her toes felt blockish as she walked toward Isabella and out the door.

This left Will all alone with Acantha.

She looked over at him out of the corner of her eyes, hand paused mid-stitch.

Will smacked his lips a few times as he regarded her. He knew very well why everyone was tense this morning. There was nothing he could do about whatever news was coming about the battle. Meanwhile, he had been given a golden opportunity. There’s no harm in having a little fun while I wait. His grin widened.

“Acantha, my dear. I am so thrilled to have this chance to get to know you a little better. You are so charming, after all.”

She merely sniffed in response and returned to her embroidery.

“So, have you ever had the pleasure of eating a fly?”

Her eyes widened and she looked up with a glare.

“No?” Will answered for her. “That is a pity. They have such a delectable crunch to them, but that’s not even the best part.” He waited. She did not respond, but he knew she was giving him her full attention. “The best part about flies is the fluttering of their little wings on your tongue…”

Acantha began to turn a slight shade of green as the blood drained from her face.

Excellent, thought Will. Most excellent indeed. He began to wax poetic about texture, crunch, and aftertaste.

Meanwhile, Gabby was drawing closer to her father’s study with Isabella by her side. She felt sluggish in the cool corridors and her breath felt labored. In the future, she would remember the walk as unbelievably short, barely remembering her stilted attempt at a nonchalant conversation with Isabella.

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