Chapter 9--Awkward Fest

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Needless to say, Gabriella had lost her appetite and Frog ate better than he had in years. He thought that the only improvement would have been for her to have fewer peas and more roast duck on her plate.

 She thought that there was something unnatural about a frog eating meat and vowed to dish herself up more peas next time.

            The walk back to her chambers to get ready for bed was mostly silent, except for the slapping of Frog’s body as he hopped behind them. Gabriella was grateful to enter her rooms again, if only for the thick carpets that would prevent the sickening noise as he bounced around.

            “These are some nice digs you’ve got here, Princess. What are those? Fresh flowers?” He hopped onto the marble-topped table and sniffed loudly. “Wow-ee. This is the life!” and he leaped through the air, onto one of the plump pillows on the couch. “It even has tassels! Man, if the guys could just see this!” He leaped again toward the door of her dressing room. He was struggling to contain his enthusiasm for having finally ensnared a princess.

            “Um…” Princess Gabriella began.

            “Stop this instant, you slimy thing!” seethed the Viper.

            Frog halted, impressed by her ability to shout without raising her voice.

            “Stay off the furniture and stay out of those rooms!” she continued.

            He turned toward her, “Look, missy. The Princess and I have a deal and it has nothing to do with you, so, no offense intended, but I get to go wherever her bed is.”

            She started toward him with her hands outstretched, “I will not have you bouncing up at me unexpectedly or getting your filth on things I have to touch.”

            Frog bounded away from her grasp easily. “I can play this game all day, honey. You’ll never catch me.” Then he abruptly changed directions and bounced back at her face. “Boo!”

            The Viper screamed and covered her face with her hands.

            The Minion laughed.

            Princess Gabriella watched with a mixture of shocked awe.

            Things probably would have dissolved further from there if The Minion hadn’t abruptly raised her hand to get everyone’s attention. “Settle down, will you?”  She turned toward The Viper, “There’s nothing you can do about it. He’ll go wherever he wants.”

            Gabriella blanched.

            The Minion turned toward Frog, “We know you can go anywhere you want, but we’ve gotta have some rules. Her dressing room is absolutely off limits unless you’re on your way to bed.”

            “But he can still—“ Gabriella started.

            The Minion looked at the Princess, “Yeah. The next rule should take care of that.” She turned back to Frog, “You’re not to pass through the dressing room unless the Princess gives you permission. No going back and forth willy nilly.”

            Frog bowed to her, “I’m impressed. You must have lots of brothers. Agreed.”

            The Minion turned toward Gabriella, “Is that all right with you?”

            “Yeah. I guess so.”

            “Good.” She paused, looking at the Princess for a moment. “Are you cold? You’ve been squeezing your hands into your armpits a lot tonight.”

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