Chapter Twenty Three

Start from the beginning

L: Hello love, what are you doing?

I bit my lip to keep myself from laughing at the differences between Liam's and Devon's texting skills.

S: still looking for help on finding a dress :'(

L: Poor baby. Want me to call my sister, Helen? I think she could help. I'm not really good with all you girl's fashion crisis.

I rolled my eyes. Hypocrite. Every morning he always bugs me about which tie he should wear.

But I wore the plaid last week.

The gray one's too plain.

Red is too distracting.

I swear he was worse than a teenage girl on her first day of school.

S: no thanks. I'll rather walk on broken glass than face one of your family members without you.

I guess I offended him with that text because I didn't receive one back. I shrugged, too stressed to care at the moment.

When James rolled up to our drive way I was surprised to see a black Mini Cooper sitting there.

My phone buzzed with a text message. And then again when another text followed right after it.

L: don't kill me.

Unknown Number: hi Sabrina! Just letting you know that I'm in the house! Didn't want you to think that someone broke in LOL. But anyhoo I'm so glad Liam told me you weren't mad about what happened last week :) and Anne Marie and Justine are with me BTW. Jay wanted to meet you and An didn't want to be left out. Hope you don't mind! We're going to have so much fun! ~ Helen

I quickly sent a message to Liam before stepping out the car.

S: what type of flowers would you like for your funeral?


Mystery POV

"...what about the old man?"

"I don't know. I don't do this on a regular occurrence like you do. Just get rid of him and replace him with one of yours."

"And it's just the girl, correct?"

"Correct. I want him to suffer and have to live with it the rest of his life."

"What did he do to you? If you don't mind me asking."

"Let's just say Mr. Collins threw me away like yesterday's trash."

The man chuckled. "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorn."

I smirked, getting ready to hang up the phone. "Right you are sir, right you are."


"I think this is a bit too much," I bit my lip as the three women surveyed me.

"Too tight," Anne Marie scrunched her nose. "Can you breath?"

"Hate the color." Justine shuddered. "I never was a fan of peach."

"It looks like a prom dress," Helen sighed. "Next."

The dress I wore was one of those mermaid type dresses that was skin tight till it got to the knee area and flared out. It was strapless and rhinestones decorated the waist area to create a mock belt. I felt like I was going to some red carpet event in it, not a charity ball.

We've been at it for an hour now and I was exhausted though the Collins women showed no sign of tiredness whatsoever.

Oh to have had money your whole life.

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