Chapter 3;

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It was getting dark at this point and I hadn't eaten anything the whole day. So I decided to make another stop at one of these 24 hour diners in the town I was passing through. It seemed to have a good amount of people already in it, as to the gas station I went to earlier.

I pulled in the parking lot and parked next to a similar looking car to my own. I chuckled a little because it was literally the same vehicle, then shut the door behind me and locked it as I began to walk away.

I was immediately greeted by a waitress, and sat to a booth within a few moments after. I didn't bother looking through the menu, as I had already knew what I wanted. So I handed back the menu to the woman and she took my order.

"Would that be all for you, sir?" She asked kindly.

"Yes, thank you." I confirmed, nodding my head and smiling at the lady.

"Of course, sweetie. I'll be back with your order," she said with a smile, before walking away.

After I had got done eating, I went to go pay the bill and left ten dollars for the waitress on the table. Then, went back out to my car and unlocked the doors before getting in again. I started up the engine and left the parking lot.

I was getting tired, and it was only nine but I did wake up earlier than I normally would on the daily this morning. So I decided to find a motel and stay the night in this town, then leave early tomorrow morning again.

I had found the cheapest motel in this town that I could find that was actually decent looking, not that I cared but I was limited on what I could afford, and getting an expensive hotel wasn't exactly that. Especially since I'd only be staying a night and leaving first thing the next morning.

I pulled up to the front and walked in not bothering to turn off my car. There was no one at the front desk lobby, forcing me to push the button for assistance. I stood there as a man came into my view from behind the desk.

"Can I help you, kid?" He asked, sounding slightly tired himself.

"Yeah, I need a room for the night," I explained, and he nodded his head as of duh. What else would I be doing here at nine in the night.

He said nothing, as he turned around to grab one of the keys off the hooks from behind him, only to put them on the counter in front of me. I was confused as I asked him, "how much? And don't you need to see some identification?"

"Forty dollars, and nope. Here you go, kid," he said, and moved the keys closer towards me. I was still confused but mostly relieved, deciding not to question him any further and instead thanked the man before taking the keys and walking out.


It was the next morning and I had used the shower and gotten ready before walking over to the main building. I dropped the keys off with this time a lady at the front desk and went back out to where my car was parked. All my things were settled in the backseat as to before, and I just got in to start the engine and left the parking lot, wanting to get the hell out of here.

I had to stop to get more gas and some snacks before I hit the road again though. So I paid for everything and walked back out to put the gas in. Then before I knew it, I was driving past a sign that said I was exiting so and so. I sighed, turning my attention back to the road and raising the volume a little louder. I didn't want to have to deal with my own thoughts, and blink was playing so how could I not blast the stereo?

Then, out of nowhere in the distance I caught sight of a person on the side of the road. They were walking the same direction I was driving so all I could see was their back. But it was a guy, I came to realize as I got closer and closer to him. He was also wearing a backpack and holding a water tin. Why does this all seem so familiar? I made sure there wasn't another car behind me, and slowed down a little as I got closer, not wanting to be a dick and drive past him in full speed, scaring him. I was about to pass the guy when he happened to look back at me, and I almost crashed as it was the same fucking guy from the gas station yesterday. I stopped quickly after that, and so did he. I was maybe a few couple feet ahead of him and after a slight hesitation he had came walking over. I was just glad that there were hardly any other cars around, and that I left as early as I did this morning or else I would've probably caused a wreck.

Alone And Far From Home - (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now