They nodded in agreement.

I took careful steps to my living room while making a plan in my head. My parents were seated on the couch watching television. My mom had her head rested on my dad's shoulder while my dad had his arm wrapped around mom.

For a moment I tried to look around for my cell phone to capture the adorable scene but I remembered my task at hand and stopped.

My mom set her eyes on me "Hi honey! Come sit" she patted on the spot beside her "Your dad and I are watching 'A walk to remember'"

"Oh no, I don't want to interfere between you guys. I just wanted to ask something..."

"Yes?" my dad finally looked up at me.

"Umm..." I pursed my lips "...where'd you get that vase?" I pointed behind them and walked upto the crimson vase that sat on the display shelf "It's beautiful isn't it?"

Hell no. It was the ugliest vase I had ever seen!

Mom and dad turned to look at it doubtfully as if trying to decipher what I just said.

At that instant, Julian and his friends appeared behind my parents, carrying the drunken Caleb hurriedly down the corridor.

"I don't like it that much" my mom furrowed her eyebrows while my dad explained to me that it was a gift from one of his close friends and it was rude to tell him that he didn't like it. He continued talking about how every gift matters because it's presented with love.

I, on the other hand, tried to focus on Caleb's leg that got wedged in the handrails of the stairs and a few guys were hastily struggling to take it out.

Mom was now talking about this one gift that her friend gave her that she didn't adore but she pretended to like it.

I was doing a good job...

One of the guys accidentally pulled Caleb's shoe off. I bit my lower lip to stop myself from laughing. They had now successfully freed Caleb's leg.

I shot Julian an angry glare as they dragged Caleb upstairs and were now completely out of sight.

I sighed in relief.

" I right Connor?" my dad asked.

Right about what?

"Yes" I smiled "That's all I wanted to know. I just adore this vase so much and I think I should go now. Enjoy the movie, bye!"

I slipped out of the living room before the conversation was dragged further. I quickly scurried upstairs into Caleb's room and found him sprawled on his bed while his friends around him were laughing and hitting each other playfully.

"Guys this is serious" I silenced them "You all should go before mom and dad become curious. Get out through the back door of the kitchen, that way my parents won't spot you"

One by one they walked out of the room and I closed the door behind them.

I placed a chair besides Caleb's bed and sat on it, staring at his disordered turnout. Why would he drink so much? Is he going through something that he is not telling me?

All of a sudden, Caleb moved his arm and made groaning noises from the back of his throat.

My eyes widened and I looked around in fright. What was happening to him?

"Gina..." he murmured calmly and then he stopped and lay still again.

He took me back by surprise. Why the hell would he say 'Gina'? I gazed at Caleb for long as if I had just witnessed a miracle.

Thousands of questions began flooding my mind. I began to doubt everything Caleb had ever confessed to me. I felt as if he had lied to me about his feelings.

He always said that he was in love with Harley - but in this passed out state, it was 'Gina' that he uttered.

He muttered her name passionately, as if saying that made his worries fade away.

What was he hiding?


"If you really like that vase so much, you can keep it in your room" my mom beamed at me from across the table.

I choked on my pancake.

"No, it's okay" I forced a smile "It looks better where it is"

It was eight in the morning and dad had left for work while I devoured the pancake mom made for me, gleefully.

I heard footsteps heading toward the kitchen and in walked Caleb. His hair was in disarray, his clothes all untidy and his eyelids were still drooping. Seemed as if he were sleep walking.

He squinted his eyes and looked around, confused "What am I doing here? Where's Julian?"

I choked on my pancake once again.

"Huh?" mom gave me a perplexed look.

"Shit" I cursed under my breath and dashed toward Caleb "Uh mom I think Caleb must be sleep walking, I'll make him splash water on his face"

"Hell no!" Caleb pulled away from my grip as if I burned him. I flinched at his reaction.

"How about we eat our breakfast together, upstairs?" I tried to sound cheery so mom doesn't doubt his behavior "Let's go Caleb!" I forcefully pushed him out of the kitchen.

When I was sure we were far away from mom, I uttered "Dude! You passed out yesterday and your friends carried you home! Now shut up because mom doesn't know about this"

"Oh" he nodded and then he simply ambled away.

"Caleb wait" I ordered "I need to tell you something"

He ceased to a stop without looking back.

I walked up to him "Last night, when you were passed said 'Gina'"

He turned to look at me; annoyance and anger was anointed on his face "So?" he asked as if it wasn't that big of a deal.

"I think you should take this seriously Caleb" I gripped his shoulder "What if you still have feelings for her?"

"Connor!" he shrugged my hand off "For fuck's sake please just...stop talking about her!"

I backed away from him.

"Connor I swear if you bring up that topic once again...I will..." he gritted his teeth tight "...please"

Saying that he sauntered up the stairs and shut the door of his room.


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Love, K.


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