Chapter 26

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Arriving to my house was fairly easy. The talk following my arrival, however, was not. 

As soon as I walked through the door, my mother surprised me by nearly tackling me to the ground. For some reason, I found the hug more comforting that usual. Maybe its because it was my mom and maybe it had some deeper meaning, but it felt nice. I stayed in my mothers arms until my back started to hurt from being crouched over for too long. 

We haven't even started the hard part yet.

"Cami, can you explain to me what happened? I mean, your principal briefly described it but couldn't give me all the details." 

I sighed deeply, "Long story short, Shawn Mendes photo shopped my face onto a random naked body and put the pictures around the school. One was on my locker so when I went to go get my things from it, everyone was surrounding my locker and laughing. Its not how I really wanted to end my senior year in high school but shit happens I guess." 

"Oh Mija, I am so sorry that happened. Did he apologize at least?" She asked with a tone of concern. That was the moment she sat us down on the couch so she could face me. She took my hand into hers and traced patterns on the back of my hand. 

"Yes mama. Him and his mom showed up at Lauren's house yesterday evening so he could give a sorry excuse for an apology. Truthfully, his moms apology was more sincere than his own," I responded with a frown. My mom scooted closer to me and wrapped her arm around my neck. I leaned my head onto her shoulder and let my mother comfort me. 

"Well as long as he learns his lesson, I won't contact his mother about this seeing as she is already aware. ¿Estás bien?" 

"Sí mami, estoy bien. Lauren invited the girls over last night so we had girls night as an attempt to cheer me up and it definitely worked," I hummed and continued. "Thank you for being there for me. I know I don't say it a lot, but I love you and appreciate you so much."

"I love you too, sweetheart. I'll always look out for you. That's just what moms do." 

A comfortable silence fell in the room as I moved closer into my moms arms. With everything going on lately, I haven't been able to spend any quality time with my mom. Especially since my dad has been gone, my mom has been working overtime at her job and has been babysitting some relatives for extra money. I've been thinking about getting a job to help my mom, but my mom refuses my efforts. She doesn't want me to sacrifice my social life to help but I would if it meant I could help in some sort of way. 


"Yes, Cami?" 

"There's something else you want to talk to me about, isn't there?"

"It's like you can read minds. You're going to be successful one day Mija, and I'm going to be so proud." She complimented, never breaking eye contact with the TV in front of her. 

"Mama, what is it?" 

She sighed and slowly turned to head to face me. "Its about your father." 


I haven't been here for a while. Actually, I probably haven't been here since Lauren and I started dating. After Lauren and I got together, I didn't need to come here anymore. 

About a 10 minute walk from my house was a little park. Fortunately for me, no one comes here anymore so its always quiet and peaceful. I always came here to think or to clear my mind. Usually I would go to Lauren in these types of situations, but I don't know how much help she'd be in this one. I'm sure it'd be better to go to her instead of sitting here with my thoughts spinning in my head but I can't this time. At least not at the moment. 

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