Chapter 17

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Pretend Shacam is Camren  (:

Camila's P.O.V-

I despise mornings. Its the time of day where i leave a peaceful dream to the cruel reality where there are Donald Trump stans, homophobics, and psycopaths.

But this morning was significantly different.

Instead of waking up to cold sheets and a vacant pillow, the right side of my bed was occupied. A very familiar scent filled my nose- mango. The body was fairly warm, but their cold feet could easily betray that statement.

It was Lauren... My Lauren.

We weren't in the same position we fell asleep in. My back was facing Lauren's front, her arm wrapped loosely around my waist. I could feel her warm breath hitting the back of my neck. Our legs were intertwined, as well as our hands.

Smiling, i slowly reached for my phone that was sitting on my nightstand and opened the camera app. I gently removed Laurens arm and put a pillow in my place. She pulled the pillow closer to her chest and sighed. Knowing she wasn't going to wake up, i raised phone in air and snapped a picture of her. The flash caused Lauren to stir awake, eyes fluttering open only to close yet again because of the brightness.

She groaned, "Camz, what the hell?" Her hair was sprawled all over her pillow, plus she wasn't wearing any makeup but she still managed to look flawless.

"Sorry, you just look way too cute right now" I smiled down at her, loving the affect i had on her.

I watched her face turned bright red as she tried to hide her blush. She stuffed her face into the pillow, not allowing me to see her face.

"Its too early for you to make me feel this way, Cabello"

"Maybe so, but its never to early to love you" I leaned down and attempted to give her a kiss. Key word: Attempted.

She dodged my lips, my lips landing on her cheek instead. "Morning breath, babe" She said.

"Okay, your point? I could care less about your breath right now. I just wanna give you a kissy" I pouted and batted my eyelashes knowing it was her weakness.

"Nuh uh, not giving in this time. Until we brush our teeth, no kisses" She closed her eyes once more, refusing to make eye contact. Suddenly, an idea popped into my head.

"Fine. Can i at least have a kiss on the cheek?"

She rolled her eyes, "fine. Come here" She motioned me over to her side of the bed.

I leaned down for her to have a better angle and turned my head. As she was about to touch my cheek, i turned my head causing her to kiss my lips instead of my cheek. She breathed through her nose and sighed. After a few seconds, she pulled away and flopped back onto the bed.

"I so knew you were going to do that" She stated as she rubbed the tiredness out of her eyes. "Happy?"

I smiled, "Very happy. But you were right, morning breath is gross. Go brush your teeth so i can kiss you some more"

She laughed, "I hate to say it buuuut i told you so"

"Whatever. Get your ass up, Jauregui"

"Face down, ass up thats the way i like to fuck" She sang with a proud smirk on her face.

I slapped her shoulder, "Lauren!"

"Woah there, i haven't even done anything and you're already screaming my name"

I got off the bed and made my way towards the bathroom, "how the hell has she been awake for 5 minutes and is already horny" I mumbled to myself.

"Heard that! And can you blame me? My girl is hella gorgeous" She yelled from the bed causing me to giggle at her cuteness. I opened, closed, and locked the door. If she wanted me to wait, I'd make her wait even longer.

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