Chapter 18

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Important A/N at the end (: By the way, these are their outfits in this chapter! I don't think y'all are ready for this...

Lauren's P.O.V-

December 24. The smell of gingerbread cookies and pumpkin pie, the laughter of family in the kitchen and the stomping of children's running around the house. The turkey is cooking in the oven while the sides are filling the kitchen counter, presents for everyone finding their way underneath the decorated Christmas tree. It's Christmas freaking Eve.

For Christmas, my parents invited the Cabello's over so we could spend it together. I think they mostly did it so Sinuhe could get out of the cramped house and be social. Camila does think i noticed, but her father is almost never home anymore. When she made me banana pancakes a week or so ago, i read the note her mom left her. I never confronted her about it, though. I wanted to, but i figured if she wanted to talk about it that she would come to me about it.

Currently, Camila and i are laying in a hammock in my backyard. I personally love Christmas in Miami, because its moments like this i love to experience. I have what i believe to be the love of my life in my arms and the family i love in the kitchen dancing to Cuban music. I couldn't be more content with my life more than i am right now if i tried.


"Yes princess?"

"What's gonna happen when we graduate and go off to college?"


"Honestly, i have no idea. But i can truthfully tell you that we are going to be fine. You're stuck with me. Now and until the end of time, you're mine and i'm yours" I tilted my head down enough to see her lips curve into a smile as i intertwined our fingers.

"I love you"

My smile grew wider at her words. I don't think i'll ever get use to hearing her utter those three words. I'd listen to her voice for years if i could. And hopefully i will.

"I love you too, baby"


As the night progressed, more and more family walked into our front door and into our home. Sofi quickly befriended my little cousins and are still running around the house. Camila is sitting between my legs with her back to my front on the lovers seat, our still intertwined hands resting in her lap. The rest of my family is piled around on the couches and some even pulled up chairs to sit on. We decided that we would eat before we opened presents so it'll give people stomach's time to digest.

"Okay, c'mon guys! Dinner is ready!"

I patted Camila's legs to signal her to get up. When she didn't move, i realized she had fallen asleep. Which i find weird because everyone is being loud right now. I re-positioned her to where her head was on my shoulder and her body was cuddled into my side. I stared lovingly at Camila, until i saw a flash in the corner of my eye. There i was my mother holding up my phone with a smug smile on her face. She threw my phone at me and walked back into the kitchen. I glanced at the picture before smiling and making it my lock screen background.

"Camz," I lightly shook her body. "Its time to eat love"

"Mmm, okay," She groaned. She threw her arms over her head to stretch to arms and her legs. I quickly snapped another picture causing her face to scrunch up from the flash. "Stooop. I probably look like crap"

"I think you look as beautiful as always"

She smiled, a faint blush formed on her face. "Stop saying things that make me fall in love with you even more. Its not fair," She wined.

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