Chapter 14

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My heart broke while writing this... Sorry in advance?

Camila's P.O.V-

"Dinah for the love of god, give me the controller!" I shouted at the Polynesian girl as she ran around my house. After Lauren had dropped me of at my house, i asked Dinah to come over so we can talk about things.

"Camila, i will give it to you if you ask nicely "

I sighed, "Dinah-Jane Hansen, may i please have the controller" She reluctantly threw the controller at me and made her way towards my room, plopped herself on my bed and made herself comfortable. She grabbed the bag of Lays chips from my nightstand and opened the seal.

"Right, so you wanted to talk but what about exactly?" She asked before stuffing her face with a handful of chips and chewed.

"Um, well you see," I felt a lump in my throat but quickly swallowed it and continued. "About Lauren-"

"And how she's being a pussy? Yeah i kinda figured that's why you called. Look, i don't blame her for being scared for you. But at the same time, she's overthinking everything. Everyone knows she's gay and everyone definitely knows you have the hots for each other. I hear people talking about it all the time" My jaw dropped. I wasn't expecting her to interrupt me. Not because i didn't know she would do it necessarily, but i just wasn't expecting it.

"Wait, people talking about us?" I certainly knew that i wasn't one to hide my feelings. In fact, i tried to show Lauren that i liked her in many different ways, but she was still too oblivious to notice... and i guess i was too.

"Totally. You guys are everyone's otp. It'd be mostly everyone's dream for y'all to date" Dinah explained, throwing her arm over my shoulder for reassurance.

"Thank you china. I luh you" I said while pulling her into hug.

"I love you too, weirdo. Speaking of which, have you and Lauren said it yet?"

I tilted my head at her and scrunched my eyebrows together, "Said what?"

"You know... the three big words?"

I let it sink in for a bit, "oh, uh, no we haven't. We've only been dating for.. what? 3 months? I want it to be special and spontaneous, you know what i mean?" My gaze averted to my fingers as i started fidgeting with them nervously.

She gave me a small smile before speaking, "Yeah, i know what you mean. But, are you even sure you love her?"

I snapped my head up to create eye contact, "What's that suppose to mean?"

Her smiled dropped as she realized what she has said, " No, Walz that's not what i meant at all. I'm just making sure you completely know you do before you start throwing words around. I just want to make sure you don't say something you don't really mean... Lauren, you see, is also my friend. And i love Camren so I prefer to have happy Camren over mad, angry Camren" she rambled, trying to save herself from her statement before.

I sighed, "i know Di. I've just been stressed with finals and this whole situation isn't helping either" I explained, her words still ringing in my ear. "but to answer your question, of course i love her. How could anyone not?"

"Its okay, Camila. I understand, i really do. How about we invite the other girls over and have a girls night?" She smiled briefly before frowning. "You know, since your dad is at work and everything..." Her voice trailed off with a sad tone.

Recently, my dad has been coming home late and leaving early in the morning. By leaving early, i mean before i even wake up for school, and i wake up at 5:30. What's he doing? Well your guess is as good as mine. Probably drinking and wishing his daughter wasn't gay af for Lauren Jauregui.

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