~ Fourteen ~

Beginne am Anfang

Emy sighed deeply, "The amazing senses of Merkell strike again."

Her voice was tired but lighthearted, I was surprised considering she was usually the moody one when she was tired. I half smiled, moving into the formation and peering at the guys surveying the landscape, despite it being almost pitch black, the moon was hidden by clouds. This wasn't how I thought I'd feel going on an adventure like this. I'd imagined all different kinds of scenarios in the past and in all of them I was excited and hyperactive, fun and inquisitive. My mind was immersed in those thoughts when we set off again through the hills.

Hours passed and we finally left the hills behind us, we walked through what Merkell called 'Marshlands'. The guys had started to recognise more places and sights around us. Emy and I looked at the things they pointed out and smiled at some of Kayle's attempts at lightening our mood.

The few times I met Merkell's gaze, I could see the understanding and worry in his eyes, though he didn't call us out on it. It took us until late morning to navigate through the Marshlands. My gratitude for the boots Merkell had given us increased tenfold, not only were they waterproof but they didn't get stuck in the mud- I knew my trainers would have.

It must have been around midday by the time we reached the last of the Marshes and came to a hill overlooking a wide, dirt road. It was roughly marked out by the wear of numerous people, horses and thin wheels, by the looks of it it was well used by all kinds of traffic.

"I think this is a good vantage point, we shall stop to rest a while."

Merkell moved a little ways back down the hill and took his bag off to sit down. Emy and I followed, and Kaleb, Blaike and Kayle decided who would take the first watch. We dropped our bags and slumped down against them. I laid my head back and saw Merkell take something out of his bag, it can't have been of much interest because my eyes drifted closed of their own accord and I fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up groggily, it had to be hours later because the sun was setting with the brightest of colours; blue, pink, orange and white. My eyes flickered around the group; Emy was sound asleep next to me, Blaike, Kayle and Kaleb were all laid in a half circle opposite and were all asleep too. Merkell wasn't there but his bag was and when I sat up to look for him, I saw him sat on the peak of the hill facing the road.

I stood up carefully, my legs were aching and I pulled my cloak around me to fend off the chill in the air. As I reached Merkell, I could see that his shoulders were tensed, as though he was concentrating hard.

I was about to tap him on the shoulder when he exhaled sharply, "Hello, Cassandra, did you sleep well?"

He turned his head to look up at me and smiled, although it didn't quite reach his eyes.

I pulled my cloak tighter around me and sat down beside him, looking out over the edge of the hill.

"I did, not as well as I would have in a bed but it was nice to rest more than we have been."

I slowly turned to face him, he was giving me the same look he had earlier that day.

"That is good to hear, I can still sense your frustration though. Would you like to talk about it?"

My brow creased and I shrugged, "What's the point? It seems like you can't answer anything I want to know... Do you know how stressful and kind of upsetting it is to find out your whole life has basically been a lie?"

And there it was, the real reason I was feeling so disinterested and angry, I just hadn't realised it until right then.

Merkell gave me a sympathetic look. "No I do not, I would not even pretend to imagine what it must be like for you and Emily, but I will say this... It was all done for you, to protect you and as soon as we reach your village you will be told everything. If you have any questions after that, I will be only too happy to answer them... if I know the answers."

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