Everything should have been wonderful about this night from her dress to the elegance of the Chandler Plaza Hotel. Except, nothing at all was what it seemed or should be. She couldn't help it; the two of them looked wonderful together. How had she not have seen it before? Reyna had been so closed up and occupied to get Jason's heart when it was never hers to get.

"I know-I know, I'd be mad to." Drew sighed. "but can I just say what a bitch Piper is kissing him?"

She closed her eyelids as a droplet of liquid dropped from her eye,sliding down her cheek. Drew turned her head in surprise and frowned.

"No..No," Drew shook her head. "Don't cry. You don't deserve him."

Drew wiped her cheeks,quickly.

"I know," Reyna murmured and Drew's left eye twitched. 

Drew clenched her hands. "Oh,I just hate men so much. Do you know what I mean? They seem so innocent and sweet until they just break your heart like nothing and walk to the next available girl forgetting about you. But except, you never forget about them."

"You don't understand,Drew." Reyna answered and swatted her hand away. "Even now, you have to make everything about yourself. I don't hate Jason nor do I hate Piper."

"What?" Drew's voice faltered. "I'm not making this about me!"

She stammered, clearing her throat. "I'm-I'm helping you."

"No, you're helping yourself. This is about Piper isn't it?" Reyna asked her with a frown on her face.

"I did this for you,hun." Drew pursed her lips. "Why don't you believe me?"

Reyna frowned, "Tell me, is this about Piper yes or no? Is that why you came to me in the first place because you knew she liked him! You knew! You knew!"

She shook her head by her idiocy. Of course, it all made sense.

"That's why you invited me. You've been using me all along. And because you knew I liked him so you took advantage of that and used me to get between Piper and Jason."

"I'm going to ignore what you just said." Drew answered;frowning. "You're going through a heartbreak and I'll fix it by getting Jason for you."

"No,Drew don't!" Reyna shouted. 

"You don't know what you're talking about," Drew smiled. "But this will all be done and over."

Reyna shook her head. "I won't let you. I demand you not to."

"This is for your own good."
 Drew forced a smile. "I'm going to them right now. Don't you worry."

"I'm leaving Drew," Reyna answered and started to walk off before Drew snatched her hand.

"Don't be like Silena and Piper!" Drew cried. "No,don't go!"

She frowned at the polished hand gripped to her arm. "Let go of me hand!"

Drew could never had helped her, Reyna told herself as she clenched her hands. She had her her teenage crush become a control of herself. All in all, she hated it-no despised this feeling so much. This is what rejection feels like, she thought;to be turned down by another person might as well be the worst feeling she had felt before. 

Her rushed walking turned to striding until finally when she couldn't take it anymore, Reyna peeled the high heels from her feet and decided it would be best to walk barefoot. A few people had looked at her strangely since she might as well looked like a tear-stained barefoot mess. She wiped her irritated eye only to regret it after remembering she was wearing makeup. Somehow, she had to get to the bathroom quickly or just leave this place since she had enough of this wretched party. Reyna looked at the pair of high heels Drew and given her and threw them in the trash can. She walked away and pushed through the crowd having her eyes hang down.

To her dismay, she bumped into someone. Her eyes glanced up and widened. He was wearing a navy,blue tie and the mirrors on his glasses shimmered. She could just imagine what she looked like now; her makeup smeared and tears dripping down her chin. Reyna wanted to hide her face in shame.

"Reyna I-we need to talk." Jason stammered, shaking his hands. "Drew told me a few seconds ago about..about." He finally stopped and his eyes pleaded for her to finish for him.

She widened her eyes and shook her head. "Forget what Drew told you."

"Everything, so it's not true." Jason looked her straight in the eye and added. "that you don't like me."

She watched his eyebrows crease and the scar on his lip gleam. He looked so confused; the first time Reyna had seen him this way. This was the first time she had been this close to him before. Reyna wanted to hide her gaze;anything since her makeup was still a wreck.

"Yeah,everything." Reyna lied.

He rubbed his neck,awkwardly. "Oh,okay." Jason glanced to the other side. "I don't mean to be rude but you have something on your face."

Reyna widened her eyes. "Oh,that. Yeah, my makeup-it got smeared didn't it?"

"No," Jason shook his head. "Your makeup isn't smeared. I just wanted to make a point that you were wearing makeup. I've never seen you with makeup before."

"Is it that obvious?" Reyna laughed.

"You look different," Jason said very seriously as Reyna imagined her heart breaking in two.

She cleared her throat. "Uh, yeah I better go now."

Jason nodded his head,quickly. "Sorry to disturb you then."

"No,don't apologize it's fine."

Reyna walked past him as she wiped the tears starting to stream her cheeks. She rubbed her shoulders as goosebumps appeared. The floor was cold under her bare feet and she could just imagine all the things she was getting on them. She pushed the door in vain with bother hands as it slammed open. A deliver of warm air pasted through her and she sighed in relief. 

The ladies' bathroom looked the same way as it had been before except for the fact that it was empty and all the stalls were open. A rush of exhaustion pasted through her and her body fell slowly to the ground. Her feet buckled against the marble floor and she cradled herself while her body laid down against the warm wall. She could hear footsteps from behind her. Reyna's eyes widened and she quickly got up. There was no way she was going to let anyone see her in such a distress. She rested her hand on the wall to get herself up and skidded into the last bathroom stall on the left side.

Reyna hid herself in the stall and sat down on the closed toilet. She could hear footsteps in the bathroom and the faucet rinsing someone's hand. After a few minutes, they eventually left and Reyna sighed in relief. Her eyes gazed up at the window aside the wall. She had forgotten that tonight was a new moon which mean that there was no moon tonight. Reyna closed her eyes and cleared her head. Maybe it was a good idea if she just left. 

After a few seconds, she unlocked the stall door and got out. If she could just find were she had left her clothes in the bathroom, she could change into them and leave. Reyna face-palmed, recalling that Drew had it in her duffle bag and it didn't seem like she was going to get it now if she wanted to face her. Fine, she sighed. She decided that she would leave without them. Reyna's eyes wandered until they were set with a pair of flip flops seated under the bathroom sink. With all her strength, she got down to the floor, and reached for it. 

Fastening them on, she walked out of the bathroom, her flip flops making flappy noises on the marble floor.


now we're getting somewhere

four more chapters left

Ta Ta Mortals

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