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I could hear his sweet voice right now...no it was different,it was deeper than usual. Was I dreaming? I felt like I was dreaming but I felt my eyelids and the sand under me and I could hear the crashing of waves but I couldn't be hearing those lyrics and that angelic voice. 

"I'm here to stay,angel. You don't have to fake a smile anymore.

You don't need to be perfect,because you're already are to me,

I'll be your knight,you're shining armor,

But I never want you to be the Damsel in Distress,"

I slowly peeled my eyes open and and closed it again,putting my arm over my eyes. The singing had stopped. I slowly sat up and looked around, I was too disheveled to remember where I was but when I realized I was still on the beach I looked around and my heart stopped when I turned my head right only to be nose to nose with someone,I would've screamed but I was mesmerized by his eyes. They were the bluest eyes I've ever seen in my life. 

Bluest eyes I've ever seen...

I let out a squeak and fell sideways on the sand. Then I heard the laugh. The laugh that sounded like my favorite tune of my favorite song. 

It couldn't be,could it?

I slowly got up and looked at him,and there was no doubt about it. I let out a high pitch scream. "A ghost!! I'm dead!!!" I was freaking out right now. His laugh only grew and he belly flopped onto the sand. He didn't stop for a good 5 minutes and in that time I had stopped freaking out and was staring at him in disbelief. 

No..he was supposed to be dead,how in the world...we never saw the body..

He sat up properly and we just stared into each other's eyes. "Ry? That's you isn't it?" He had a sad smile on his face. He tucked a hair strand behind my ear. 

"Yes Elia,it's me. It's been so long. Nice to see you again." I did the thing that would make normally make me cringe if others did in such situations. I fainted.

Okay so I might need to explain to you guys how he 'died'. It was my fault. Completely and utterly my fault. He did what he did to protect me. 

When I was 13 and Ry was 15,we were at this beach like always. We decided to go a bit further away from the adults so that we could get seashells that were peculiar in some cases. We were further away and I still remember what we talked about.

"Will you be okay?" I was holding his hands,they were big yet so delicate. Ry gave me a small smile,I knew he wasn't faking it,we could never fake anything in front of each other. His good for nothing father had left him before birth. His mom had a stable job however and was able to take care of him properly.  She got more than the average wage actually so that was never the problem however Ryker still hated his father as his mom was always gone and she was getting weaker and sicker lately. 

I would stay by his side as he'd cry,but that was when we were younger. Now he was fine with it,he said it was because of me. I was worried about the fact we only met on holidays and he'd be alone. Ry was very shy and had problems making friends. 

"Hey,when we grow up and I have my driver's license I'll come pick you up and we'll go to different towns and other places." He looked down at me. He was really tall for his age. I got excited and jumped up and down, "We could go to the mountains and hike or have camping trips!!" I grinned widely. 

He gave me a sad smile,"if it wasn't for you,I think I wouldn't even be alive. I promise you that I'll take you to the most beautiful place where reality can't touch us and I'll sing you songs all day. Just promise me one thing. Don't let people's words put scars on your skin. Don't make that same mistake I did." 

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