My Best Friend's brother

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Sorry if it's long but here you go the first chapter. Um there is a strong use of curse words here. why? Cause in this books there are teenagers and it would be unrealistic if they were goody two shoes...also it might be a bit confusing and well,I would understand that but don't lash out on me saying that it doesn't make sense. Also sorry for all the errors I will fix them really soon. Thank you and please enjoy.

Also here is the image of Sean o'donnell as Evan Callamere

My feet were pounding against the ground as I ran. I was in a dark alleyway as I kept on going,hearing my panting and feet,nothing more as if time was slowing for the moment. It felt like I couldn't breathe,as if I was underwater.

I saw a man,tall and broad as moonlight showed his silhouette but I couldn't see his face. I stopped as he came towards me. My heartbeat was increasing and my shallow breathing filled my ears. I couldn't run,it was as if my feet were rooted to the ground. He was now right in front of me but I still couldn't run nor could I see his face. Suddenly I saw a glint of something in his hand and he drove it into my stomach.

A knife that's what it was.

And I fell backwards and as I hit the ground it swallowed me and I could hear voices.

'You're better off dead'

'No point in living is there?'

'No one needs you.'

'Go away fat ugly pig.'

'You are such a disappointment'

Suddenly all my friends came in front of me and I saw that we were in the school grounds. they all had disgusted faces.

"Why did we become friends with you?" Tristin said.

"Cause we pity her." Vanessa said.

"yeah cause that's all she's worth. To be pitied." Emily sneered.

I began to hyperventilate. I felt like I was breaking and being crushed.

I turned around to run only to find my best friend there.

"Em." I whispered,wanting to go into her arms.

She stared at me for a moment. " I don't want to be your friend anymore,not now not ever. You're just too useless." I began to sob. The school ground vanished,so did my friends. The man stood in front of me,he took out the knife with the hilt facing towards me.

"Here." The man gave me the knife as I took it and pointed the tip to my heart.

"What's the point of living? I'm not even worth anything." I drove the knife into my chest.

I woke up,and sat up right quickly as I gasped for air,I had tears rolling down my cheeks and sweat all over my body. My body shook from the shock and bile rose into my throat but I forced it down. I took deep breathes. In and out. In and out.

I got up from my bed and made my way toward the full length mirror next to my closet. The lights were already on. Why? Cause I had the scared-of-the-dark disease Yup it was tragic. I bit my lip as I saw my reflection.

I had messy dark brown hair and eye bags under my brown eyes. I had a slight double chin but my face wasn't that chubby. I had a small jaw too. My stomach was sticking out. I wasn't exactly fat and chubby and I was trying to lose weight but you know what they say, metabolism is a bitch. I was also considered big boned and unfeminine but honestly my bones were just not as thin as a twig and that's not my fault,they just slightly and you can barely notice. My legs were long but my thighs were huge and I didn't like it. To tell you the truth at first I thought I didn't look all that bad,well my face was okay but who am I kidding? Lying to myself isn't gonna getting me anywhere. I looked at my stomach as I held my shirt up to see the faint scars. It's been a year since I stopped yet i still had an urge to do it. But I knew I had to stay strong,get through life...I was a strange person wasn't I?

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