The Shocking Truth

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Good luck soldiers,these next few chapters will be Hectic. Don't forget to vote and comment please. Enjjooyy my lovely humans.

Song above is 'Just that girl' :)

So like I said before....The ball was like any other in movies. There was a huge ballroom and a glass door that leads you to a garden. Posh and elegant woman and men, all wearing lavish clothes in bright colors.
The woman...of course, had longer dresses though some teenagers went with the shorter yet fancier versions of those.
There were a few teens as my cousins and such were here, not to mention children of other rich and well known families.

There was a chandelier over our heads that sparkled, the floors were shiny and clear and the orchestra playing were going for a soft and elegant atmosphere.

It was all sparkles and jewels.

Evan and I walked in hand in hand. Some people stared at us, well mostly at Evan and those mostly were teenage girls.

"Sweet holy shit." Luke whispered, looking around. Em, as always looked around with fascination.

"My darling!" My grandmother called out to me. She was a beautiful woman in her 50s. She had dark skin and hair that she dyed.
She was of course, wearing a fancy red dress. "Oh my lord. I was so worried about you! Did you get the care package we sent you." She hugged me tight.

Yes my grandmother sent me a care package,when I was shot in the stomach.

"I'm fine grandma." I patted her back gently. She pulled away and looked at me up and down and then tsked at me when she saw my hair. "What a frightening color. Well, at least it keeps others distracted from the rest of your body yeah?" She gave me a kind smile despite her words.

I shut my lips in a straight line and nodded. I looked over at Evan who had a distraught look on his face.

"Oh dear, I can't wait for you to meet the lovely young men that would be perfect for you. They are all rich and handsome and smart. You'll love them!" She carries me away from the boy who actually is perfect for me.

"Um..actually grandma. I already have a boyfriend. I don't think that's necessary." Grandma stopped in her tracks.

"A boyfriend? Really now dear...those boys on television don't count you know?"
Boys in books do though.

"No I have a real one. Evan!" I called on him and he was by my side. He had a polite smile, even though his eyes showed that he was annoyed.
"Hello there ma'am. My name is Evan Callamere. It is so nice to meet you."
He kissed her hand. Smooth boyfriend smooth. Grandma looked him up and down.
"Well darling what did it take you to get such a cute boy to date you? You didn't pay him did you?" She looked at me to see if I would just suddenly say "ha..just kidding. It's all a joke!"
Evan was glaring at her. " I can assure you ma'am," he strained his voice,"she did not pay me. In fact I'm the one who's lucky to be her boyfriend." He stood tall and proud and I just wanted to kiss him to death.
Grandma actually looked taken aback. "Alright then,well hopefully you go and talk to the other great people here. I know a lot of amazing girls here also...she looked around. "Oh there's Ella, she's my sister's grand child. She's pretty is she not. I should go say hello then."

She was actually trying to suggest other girls to Evan! I clenched my fists. I wonder if my Evan is looking at Ella.

I looked at him to see that he was looking at me and only me. He smiled at sweetly and held my hand. "Your grandma is um..." he couldn't find the right word. I gave him a look of understanding. No one could.

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