Meeting the Ex

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I didn't want to get up but I had to. I groaned as I pushed myself up from my bed but I fell back as a heavy arm was draped around my waist. I looked to the side sleepily. I saw a cute boyish face, snoring softly besides and reflexively kicked him so that he fell off the bed and onto the ground with a groan.
"Owww." He whined and I just rolled my eyes. I looked down to see that I was wearing his shirt and it felt warm and cozy. I remembered how last night he came to my house so we ended up talking all night and falling asleep. "Ce! Get Evan out of here before your parents see!" Em came barging into my room and I went wide eyed. Evan quickly got up,who was shirtless by the way. "Keep the shirt. Bye. See ya later." He quickly said while giving me a kiss on the forehead and hurrying out.

"Your boyfriend just ran out without a shirt,hopefully he won't get arrested for making woman faint." Em said jokingly. I got out,looking at my bare legs. "So you guys finally did the deed." I blushed but didn't show it as I changed into some shorts. "Not even. We just got comfortable." She grinned cheekily at me. She danced in her PJs. "Come on sleepy head we gotta get downstairs,your mom's making pancakes." I chuckled at her excitement. We linked our arms and waltzed downstairs to the kitchen only to see Evan sitting in a chair.

"So I found this young man sneaking out of the house. Should I be worried? Don't tell me I'm already gonna have another grand child." My mom spoke from near the stove as she sipped her coffee. I blushed so hard I probably looked like a tomato. Evan's cheeks turned a slight shade of pink. "No Ma! We were just talking late at night and we fell asleep." I went to the fridge to get some apple juice plus try to cover my blush. "While he was half naked and you were wearing his shirt?" She got a point.

I got a stack of pancakes and drizzled some syrup on it. "What?It's comfy and warm." I shrugged as I dug into my breakfast. I absolutely loved his 'My chemical Romance' T shirt and didn't want to take it off. I saw him sit straighter with proud look in his eyes. I  urged him to get some food in him and he did so,eating more than me and trust me I eat a lot. My mom gave me a warm look and I got confused. "I'm glad you're more lively this summer." She said with care and I stopped eating,took out my phone and looked at the date,3 more weeks till then. I felt myself fall into depression. I didn't even realize how close it was. I can't believe I forgot about it. Forgot about him.

Evan held my hand and gave me a worried look. I poked his nose and his face made a cute expression making me giggle. he made me feel better,always. "Aw,you are so cute. He should definitely be our date for the ball." Ma cooed and I rolled my eyes before stopping midway and snapped my head towards her. "What what what?" I asked and she scoffed before giving my father,who just entered the kitchen,some coffee. My dad glared at my shirtless hot boyfriend. "Really Cecelia? Did you forget the annual ball your grandparents keep at their mansion each year?" I slapped my forehead.

"That's coming up? Oooh can I come again this year too?" Em asked excitedly. Em's been going to this ball with me for two years and she loves it more than me. It's not like I don't like it,I love to shop for the gowns but like I said before,I hate the snobby people that I have to meet!

Evan gave me a confused look but I mouthed that I'd tell him later. "Of course dear! You can bring some of your friends too. Kyle can be your date! Ce,Evan can be yours too." She jumped up and down in excitement. My dad glared harder at Evan. I laughed nervously. "We'll need proper clothes for that. Since it's in three days,maybe we should go to the mall for some dress shopping." I finished eating and was about to get up to put it in the sink but Evan did it for me.

"That sounds awesome. We can invite the gang and all. Get some gowns or maybe a dress,I mean gowns are so last century ago." Em kept rambling on and on. Evan and I laughed as we washed the dishes together. Look at us,acting like a married couple. That sounded nice,I could imagine being with him for the rest of my life,with a child who had his beautiful blue eyes and red pouty lips.

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