Chaos to Love

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Ce's and Em's dresses above..Hope you like it..

We walked towards the ballroom. I honestly didn't want to be alone with him. I know he would never do something to me, but I felt safe. As we went through a hallway, I noticed to figures. One against the wall and the other over him/her.

I then realised that they were kissing and that both of them were boys.
And that it was Kurt and Cory. We passed by them and I wanted to yell,'use protection!' But then realised that they were boys and I don't think they need it.

We reached the ballroom, nothing changed, it was fine, for now anyway.
"Would you like to dance?" I had been avoiding looking at him. I looked into his shining black eyes that used to make me shiver and my heart beat faster. Now I feel that way towards Evan.

But it's seems stronger with Evan. Tony made me feel like I had butterflies in my stomach but Evan makes me feel like I have dragons in it.
I wanted to decline cause I didn't want Evan to get the wrong idea and I don't know what Tony's intentions are. Before I could say no he gave me a pleading look. "As friends of course. Just one dance?"

I sighed and nodded. What could go wrong?
So many things.

I took his hand and luckily he kept a distance from me as he put both if his arms on either side of my waist. I put mine on his shoulders.

We swayed back and forth gently. I looked at his collar, this was way to awkward.
"You look really beautiful Ce." He told me, twirling me around. I gave him a thanks. When he said that..I felt nothing. Not like how Evan makes me feel.
Awkward silence followed. "You got a boyfriend. I'm happy for you. I'm glad you're happy." He seemed a bit stiff. His eyes twitched, meaning that he was lying.

"Tell me what this is about. I know you have something to say." I wanted to spend the rest of the night in peace.
He took a deep breath. "Ce, what happened two years ago was a mistake. I really did think that I liked you just as a friend." I glared at him. What the hell is that supposed to mean?
He swallowed,"I thought that that was the reason I was with you cause I pitied you but when you left..I started to cry. I felt so much regret and I wanted to tell you that it was a lie." I couldn't breathe. We had stopped dancing and just stared at each other.
"After you left, it took me a while before I was over you but when I saw you again, I felt like my heart was gonna jumped out of my chest. I've been thinking about you all the time now. Ce...I think I still love you."

His eyes sparkled with sincerity and hope but when I pushed him away they turned dark with hurt. "I'm sorry Tony. It's too late. I'm sure you'll find someone else. Besides I have a boyfriend now. A boyfriend who said I love you and didn't leave me. I don't have feelings for you anymore Tony." I said as kindly as possible.

His shoulder slumped but his eyes were angry. "Do you even love him? I mean, have you said those three words to him like you did to me? He isn't gonna stick with you Ce. He's gonna abandon you. I know I did it once but you know that I won't make a mistake twice. Give us a second chance. I know I'm an asshole but deserve that second chance."

He stepped closer towards me, so close that I could feel his breath on me. I tried to move back but he wrapped his arms around my waist, trapping me.

I was scared now. What if Evan sees this and gets the wrong idea. He'll hate me!
I resisted, struggling with all my might but he wouldn't budge.

He tried to kiss me but before he could I was puller away, by Kyle who looked pissed.
"It's not right to force a girl and try to steal that girl from another man mate."
He pushed me behind him. And then came Evan with a serial killer look, looking animalistic.
He threw the first punch. And there they were, My boyfriend and ex fighting.
The four guys who came with him also joined in, leading to Jake, Kyle, Luke and surprisingly even Adrian who was here to join.
Teenagers started to chant and cheer while the adults were screaming and calling for security. It got worse though.

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