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Hey you. YESH YOU, WHO ELSE WOULD IT BE?! Huh? Oh nonono, you're wrong. This isn't another art TUTORIEL. HUEHUEHUE. Ugh, here let me start over.
HEY YOU. YESH YOU. DO YOU HATE YOUR NOODLE ARMS? DO YOU WANT TO BE STRONG LIKE ME. (Can't say that in real life. I have flippin' noodle arms.) INTRODUCING THE NEW AIR SOLAR PANEL! IT FLOATS ABOVE YOUR HEAD. AS EVERYONE KNOWS, WE NEED SUNLIGHT TO LIVE, RIGHT. WELP, THE SOLAR CONVERTS THE SUNLIGHT INTO ENERGY THAT WE CAN USE. IT TRANSMITS THE ENERGY INTO OUR BODY AND THEN WE CAN PERFORM ANY EXERCISE WITH NO HASSLE! AND RIGHT NOW YOU CAN GET A LIMITED TIME OFFER OF $52629207463710:83(1(273938265226(;&:&;&3).) clear woqojeuehdhcid wowpeoyeuwiwqopwosudhdhd6271818:930/91$2766:738381012838736:5:535:53637 and half a penny! Now isn't that great?! And if you order it now, you can get your own free mini Air Solar PanEL. GIVE IT TO YOUR MII, LIKE I DID.

Buy one today!Ok, I've finished Dyl

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Buy one today!
Ok, I've finished Dyl. now SCRAM YA LITTLE BRAT. (Jk Ok?)
(I realized THAT this entire time I Was using an Italian keyboard. Man I'm smart. Lel.)

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