I was tagged

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Well then, I was tagged by NekoDesuu. So I'm forced to do the tag now.

Here are the rules:
1. You must post the rules.
2. You must tag 15 people.
3. You must tell 13 facts about yourself.
4. You must answer 13 questions given to you.
5. You must post 13 questions for the people you tag.
6. You must do the tag.
7. You must complete the tag within a week.
8. You must follow the aforementioned rules
13 Facts About Moi:
1) I am a female.
2) I eat cheese.
3) Video Game nerd here.
4)  I don't like being around people that much.
5) I major in band [i play the trombone]
6) I have hazel eyes (Not that anyone cares... Lel)
7) I am Arabic [AWW YEA]
8) The first time I watched anime, I was three.
9) My first ship ever was Soul x Maka from Soul Eater.
10) I have asthma >_>
11) Not really disgusted by anything.... Except straight pron. Blegh.
12) Yaoi is lifu.
13) I have a Japanese calligraphy set.
1) How old are you?
12. The best age you could be.... well not really... Oh well.
2) What grade are you in?
I'm.... 6th going on 7th!
3) Are you male or female?
Are you a stalker, jk. Female.
4)What is the possibility that I will get tagged again?
100%! By who, you'll find out laterer laterer later.
5)Do you like being tagged?
I guess? Lel.
6)Who do you think started the tag?
Idk. A person? An alien? Me?
7) Will you tag me?
yassssssss. I will and don't you worry about it!
8)Do you think I was bothered to do this.
I think? I mean, you did it so... Yes? I don't know... *cri*
9)Who knows who are in the SetteSorella?
Sowwy. Me no know. *becomes baby and cries like cute babies do*
10)Who knows what LOTE stands for?
I don't but I'll guess. lord of the Eagles?
11)Who also likes English?
I guess I do since it is my first language.
12)What is your best subject?
Band, critical thinking, and advanced math. It is a three-way tie.
13) What animal, any animal, do you prefer?
A lion. Cuz I'm KING.
Now I make up the questions:
1)What is your favorite activity?
2) Do you like stalkers?
3) What if I told you that I am stalking you right now?
4)How many game consoles do you own?
5)Fujoshi/Fundashi or no?
6)Do you like sweets?
7) Introvert or extrovert?
8) What is your highest grade in?
9) Aren't we all FABALAS (A.K.A fabulous)?
10)What is your favorite show?
11)What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?
12) How many books do you own? (I own over 200)
13) Do you hate meh for tagging you?
Here are the people's I tag!:
Welp, have a great time folkZ!

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