...I did it...

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I did it. I FINALLY DID IT. All of you don't know this but I got a Nintendo 3DS last week. It came with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. So I bought Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest because...I love the series... and because of the gay pairing!!! In case you don't know, the pairing is between Niles and your male avatar unit. But I finally got to support level S! So now they're married. YASS BEBE! I AM JUMPING ON MY FRIKIN COUCH AND IT IS CREAKING. I THINK THAT IT IS EXCITED AS WELL. I filmed it and took pics, just because. During the video, I was trying to hold in my squeals of happiness. It was just too much. Can't help it though, I'm a fangirl.

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