"But Levi-"

"I have an idea, just come with me." Levi held his hand out to help Eren up, and he gladly accepted the offer. The two said their goodbyes to the puppies and their owners before walking off in the opposite direction. Eren jutted his bottom lip out in a pout, crossing his arms over his chest and they walked along the narrow street. Levi threw away the empty coffee cups once they passed a bin, yet Eren still continued to pout. Once again, Levi felt his heart swell with fondness.

"Where are we going?" Eren asked, dropping his arms to his side as he followed behind Levi, wondering where the ravenette was leading him too. "You aren't gonna kill me, are you?"

"You really think I'd do that?" Levi grinned, slowing down slightly so Eren could catch up with him. Eren shrugged, reaching out to grab Levi's hand in his own. The other man pulled his hand away from Eren, shaking his head slightly. "Eren, I told you already-"

"Yeah yeah, not to hold your hand in public. But why?" Eren whined, looking around the crowded space. Nearly every shop was full with people, but it wasn't unusual for this time of year. 

"I don't know, I'm just not comfortable with it." Levi admitted, keeping his voice low in hopes that Eren wouldn't hear him. However Eren did hear him, and the brunette rolled his eyes at such a comment. The taller man shoved his hands into his pockets, trying not to show his frustration. 

Eren glanced around the crowded area once again, before removing his hands from his pockets and grabbing Levi by his arm, quickly whipping him away into an empty alley way behind a small building. Levi couldn't react as it happened all too quickly, but before he knew it he had been pushed up against a wall. Eren was leant over him, one hand resting against the wall beside his head. The smaller man's breathing was heavy as he stared into the eyes of his boyfriend, waiting for him to do something else. 

"Are you ashamed of me or something?" Eren whispered lowly, his eyes filled with a sudden wave of sadness. Levi let out a deep sigh as he shook his head, breaking the gaze between him and Eren. He reached his hand up, softly caressing Eren's cheek as he shot Eren a quick smile.

"Never. I could never be ashamed of you, Eren." Levi spoke, watching as Eren ever so slightly leant into his touch. Levi was telling the truth; Eren meant everything to him, and he would do anything to make his partner happy. 

"Then why are you so afraid to show your love for me?" Eren frowned, removing his hand from the wall as he took a step back from Levi.

"I'm not..." Levi mumbled, taking a step towards Eren as he grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers as he dragged the brunette out from the alley way back into the crowded town center.

Eren knew that would work.


"Incoming!" Eren shouted as he dived onto the bed, bursting into a fit of laughter as he landed. Levi rolled his eyes and smiled brightly, book-marking his book before placing it on the beside table. Eren eventually calmed down and crawled up next to Levi, swiftly getting under the covers as he snuggled into Levi's side. 

"Was that really necessary, Eren?" Levi chuckled, absent-mindedly playing with the strands of Eren's hair. The brunette nodded as he let out a silent laugh, glancing up at the raventte. 

"Yup." Eren grinned, resting his hand on Levi's chest as he let out a content sigh. Levi pressed a gentle kiss to Eren's head as the two sat in silence, enjoying the warmth of each other. Everything seemed perfect. "Levi?"

"Hm?" Levi hummed, tugging Eren closer to his side.

"Do you love me?

"Of course."

Ereri One Shots!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें