Damian harper

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My Pasta (MajesticRamen)

Name: Damian Harper

Creepypasta Name: Skull Kid

Appearance: *Before* Lean and athletic build, blonde hair, blue eyes. *After* Skinny, hair turns to a darker shade of blonde, gray eyes. The left side of his face is completely destroyed. He is blind in his left eye and his skull is visible.

Sexuality: Gay (Asexual Now)
( he has 2 sexualities?.. Why not just gay but not interested at the moment)
Mental Illness/Sickness: Fear of blood.
(Can't kill if he's scared if blood.)
Weapon: Metal Bat

Backround: Damian Harper was a closet gay. He was a star football player and was very popular. That all changed when his secret boyfriend, who was also a football player, exposed him. Since that day, Damian has been bullied for his sexuality and has quit the football team. He lost his popularity and friends, causing him to fall into depression.

It was like any other tormenting day for Damian until he gets into a heated fight with his ex boyfriend and lands a hit on him. Later that day, angry and vengeful, the ex drags Damian into the forest with a friend and a metal baseball bat. He hits Damian on his kneecap, ribs, and his entire left side of his face. The friend tells the ex to stop, but he doesn't. When the ex attempts to finish Damian off, a familiar buzz and static was in the air, causing all three to fall into a coma.
(Slender man is very cliche)
When Damian wakes up, he is surprised to see he's still alive. The metal baseball bat is at his reach. He is blinded by rage and takes the metal baseball bat. He storms to his ex's house and brutally murders his ex's mother and his ex. After the deed was done, Damian had felt great guilt and sickness. He was so angry he had bypassed his fear of blood.

He soon makes a deal with the Slenderman to get revenge on all those who tormented and bullied him. If Slenderman helps him achieve this, Damian would become a proxy. Damian never gets his revenge because of another killer murdering them. Because of this, Damian never becomes a proxy. But his loyalty to Slenderman keeps him alive. If he were to ever betray Slenderman, he would die.

Connections: Slenderman

Species: Former Human / Zombie

Status: Dead, Aquatinted with Slenderman (Not a proxy)

Saying: none

Reason (Why He Kills or why he cannot stop): Damian has no mental illness. He is well aware of what he's doing. He doesn't like to murder people, but when he is enraged his judgement is clouded. He flees murder scenes quickly because when he comes back to his senses, his fear of blood kicks in.

Other: He wears bandages around his face, with only his right eye showing. His mouth is covered along with he rest of his face (besides that right eye.)

He walks with a limp.

He has to inject a certain toxin from Slender to keep himself from rotting

Okay there you go since no one asked a Simple question but could easily send me their OCs I'm annoyed and probably not gonna update for a while
If I have the opening take it. It's kinda rude k.

VOTE if you want I don't fucking care to be honest I don't even know why I try with this shitty ass book anymore

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